With this tool, you can track Configuration Revisions and any changes made to Devices.

This diagnostic tool offers the following features:

  • You can create a set of commands to be run as diagnostics for each Device Class, or for each device. Commands can be either Terminal Commands or Device Server Commands . 

  • You select the specific Device Class, and the Devices within that class then have the Diagnostic commands run against them. Whenever a Configuration Revision is created, the Diagnostic Command automatically runs against the Device. 

  • You can designate how soon after a configuration change has been made to the Devices (within the Device Class) to automatically run the diagnostic commands.  

  • The Diagnostic results are revisioned and stored

  • You can view the diagnostic data in the History tab (selected from Device Properties). 

  • You can compare the results of two diagnostic revisions.

The diagnostic data is always associated (linked) with a revision. If there are no configuration revisions , there will not be any diagnostic revision data .

To Set up Diagnostics for a Device Class follow these steps,

Note: You can also set up diagnostics for a specific device using the Set-up Diagnostic quick command.
  1. To begin working with the Diagnostic tool, go to Tools on the Network Configuration Manager menu bar.

  2. Next, select System Administration from the list of tools displayed. From the System Administration window, select Device Classes , then click the Diagnostic button.