Important: A Baseline must have already been set for the Network.

From the Baseline tab in the Device Properties, you can access the Roll Back icon. This allows you to rollback to the previous device settings.

To Roll back to the Baseline,

From this window, you can roll back to the baseline - back to the beginning.

  1. Click the Roll Back icon rollbackicon to display the Schedule Push Job window.

  2. From here, you can make any need revisions to the Job Details, Schedule Job Details , and revisions to Tasks and Notification if needed. For more information, go to Schedule Jobs Manager .

  3. After making your revisions, or adding additional information, click Submit. This starts your job in the process, with your revisions.

Note: Each device packaged in Network Configuration Manager defines its own Roll back procedure. For example, for Cisco Devices, this is to push the content to the Start Config. Doing this will not affect the running config of the device. Also, the device must be rebooted for it to take affect.