Each site type has its own attributes, but as an option, you are able to propagate information to sub-sites that can be inherited or overridden from parent sites. These attributes are used to identify the location of a site, and the devices or other sites contained within it.

In this way, devices and sites placed in a building site construct will inherit the physical address of that site. When changes are made to a higher level site, the overwritten details remains intact.  

Site Attributes include:

  • Name

  • Type

  • Description

  • Override (where you can override the initial contact names or description)

  • Contact Name

  • Contact Phone

  • Contact Email

  • Address 1

  • Address 2

  • City

  • State/Province

  • Zip/Postal Code

  • Country 

Dynamic inheritance in sites allows lower-order sites to have their site attributes updated when the same information is updated in the parent site. This dynamic inheritance can be overridden at any site.

When the override flag is set for a site, local attributes can be customized, and will not receive dynamic updates from the parent attributes. Un-setting the override flag for a site restores the attribute inheritance from the parent site.