Virtual devices are added to a Workspace using the Virtual icon . A new Virtual devices icons are configuration containers for new Network devices that have not yet been deployed.

Virtual device configurations can be pushed to new devices via out-of-Band mechanisms.

After creating the Workspace, you can begin configuring the layout using Virtual and Network devices.

To add virtual devices,

  1. With the Workspace displayed, select the Virtual Device icon from the menu bar. The Create Virtual Device window opens.

    Notice that there are three tabs in this window:

    • Configuration

    • Interfaces

  2. Enter a Name for the Virtual Device (if appropriate).

  3. You can also use the Device Class drop-down and select a different class if needed.

  4. In the Configuration tab, click Add to add any additional items to the workspace.

  5. Click the Template icon to locate a Template to the Config file.

  6. Continue to go through the windows to select the appropriate Template.

  7. Click Ok when you have made your selections.



  8. Next, to add additional items to the running Config file, click the Open File icon , and again go through the various windows to add your item.

  9. Click Ok when you have added all items, or click the Interfaces tab to continue.

Working with the Configuration tab,

Working with the Interfaces tab,

  1. Click the Interfaces tab.

  2. Click the New icon to add a new interface.

  3. At the Add New Interface window, enter the IP Address and the Subnet address in the fields.

  4. Click Ok.

Important: To remove any interfaces, select the Interface from the list, then click the Delete icon . Click Yes at the confirmation message.