To restore the pgdba user shell permissions back to default, complete the following steps:


  1. Log in to the NCM Application server hosts, as the root user.
  2. Run the following command on the Application Server hosts:
    source /etc/voyence.conf
  3. Stop all the NCM services on the Application Server host, by running the following command:
    systemctl stop vcmaster
  4. If the NCM Database server is remote, run the following commands on the server, as the root user:
    source /etc/voyence.conf
    systemctl stop controldb
  5. Run the following commands on the NCM Database server:
    1. Run the following commands in the Linux shell on the host where the controldb resides, to restore the NCM controldb initialization script and pgdba user shell permissions:

      cat /tmp/_[etc-init.d-]controldb.bak > $VOYENCE_HOME/db/controldb/scripts/controldb.init

      usermod -s /sbin/nologin pgdba

    2. Restart the system:


  6. If the NCM Database server is remote, start all NCM services on the Application Server host, by running the following command:
    systemctl start vcmaster