When you first login to the System Management Console, the Heath Check tab is not active. You must enable this feature.

  1. Click the Health Check tab. The following message appears:

    The Healthcheck service is not missing

    To start the service on Linux:
    1. Login as root.
    2. CD to [Product Home]/Healthcheck
    3. Type “install.pl”
    4. Type “cd/etc/init.d”
    5. Type “./healthcheck start”
    For Windows:
    1. CD to [Product Home]/Healthcheck
    2. Type healthcheck.pl
  2. Follow and complete the steps listed in the Health Check tab page to start the service. You can now access the Health Check feature of the System Management Console.

    This Health Check utility verifies that the communication between the application server and the device server is functioning correctly, and that the device server is processing jobs. If the round-trip check does not complete within a configurable threshold, an email, webpage update, or SNMP event is generated (the event type depends on the configuration).