Create a new group under Device Access tab and assign VCO Access Setting. This group must select the particular VCO Host. So, add the matching criteria accordingly. For example, Name matching the IP of the VCO. The description of the fields are below:
Parameters Description
DataCollectorAddress Provide the value, and must match the HostnameOrIPAddress parameter value of the Data collector Access Setting configured.

This associates Data collector and the VCO together.

KafkaBusAddress Provide the value, and must match the KafkaBroker parameter value of the Kafka Access Setting configured.

This associates the kafka and the VCO.

LoginID Provide the VCO username.
Password Provide the VCO password.
PortNumber Provide the port number for the VCO REST interface. Default is 443.
tenantFilter Defines the RegEx pattern for list of enterprises in the VeloCloud that ESM discovers and monitors.

The regex pattern must confirm to patterns defined in java.util.regex documentation. This is an optional parameter.

Default filter is .* (i.e discover all enterprises that belong to a specific user).

For example, if ESM discovers two Tenants, "A" and "B", then the parameter can be defined as "A|B".

UserType Smarts can be configured to use one of the OPERATOR, MSP or ENTERPRISE user for discovering and monitoring the VeloCloud orchestrator.

Select the right user type in the listed options.

discoveryTimeout Increase the value of this parameter based on the topology size. This is the maximum time in seconds that the collector runs before stopping abruptly. This is a safeguard measure to prevent the collector from running under a false condition
enableDiscoveryCollectorDebug Defines the VeloCloud collector logging level for discovery.

Valid debug levels are:


This is an optional parameter and if not defined, the default loglevel value is INFO.

enableMonitoringCollectorDebug Defines the VeloCloud collector logging level for monitoring.

Valid debug levels are:


This is an optional parameter and if not defined, the default loglevel value is INFO.


Defines the VeloCloud collectors maximum heap memory size (in Mega Bytes) for discovery and monitoring.

This is an optional parameter. Minimum, Default, and Maximum values are; 64, 2048, and 4096 respectively.


By default, ESM reads all the available messages in the kafka bus. The read messages (discovery/monitoring) are stored in ESM process memory.

If the processing of these message by ESM is slower than the message producer then it can result in higher memory foot print for ESM.

This default behavior can be changed by setting a high and low water mark for the kafka adapter internal queue. Both high and low must be set in this case.

This parameter is for specifying the maximum size of the kafka adapter internal queue size at which the consumer is stopped to minimize the memory footprint of the ESM server.

For example, a value 50000 can ensure that after beyond 50k messages being in the kafka adapter’s internal buffer the consumption of further messages from the kafka bus is stopped.

kafkaAdapterBufferLowWaterMark Specifies the minimum size of the kafka adapter internal queue size at which the consumer is restarted.

Refer the description of the kafkaAdapterBufferHighWaterMark. Both high and low water mark must be specified. By default, this is disabled and in this case the kafka adapter reads all the available messages from the kafka bus.

For example, a value 10000 restarts the message consumption from the kafka bus once the internal queue size drops below 10k.


When the latency between orchestrator and the DCF collector is higher, set the flag to a higher value. This field indictate the timeout value for the ESM to wait for messages from kafka. If the timeout expires, then the discovery stops abruptly marking the discovery as failure.

Minimum, Default, and Maximum values are; 60, 1200 and 3000 respectively.


The VeloCloud DCF collector collects and sends the topology and status monitoring information to Smart Assurance by default. User can configure the collector to collect and send topology and link performance data to MnR. User can use this data from MnR and can develop the report pack around this data.

This field should point to the Mnr Host and the MnR backend port. The format of this field is <MnR Host>:<MnR backend port>



Defines the http timeout for response in seconds for VeloCloud discovery and monitoring collector while fetching Topology using REST API.

This is an optional parameter. Minimum, Default, and Maximum values are; 120, 240 and 600 respectively.