You can increase the polling frequency by decreasing the polling interval value for the SolutionPack.
Before you begin
The SolutionPack for EMC VNX needs to be installed with EMC M&R.
Log in to the EMC M&R platform with your user name and password.
Select Administration > Centralized Management.
Select Logical Overview > Collecting.
Select Text-Collector::< VNX _SolutionPack_instance >.
Edit the conf/textoutputcollector-vnxblock-frequentpoll.xml file under the Configuration Files + Schemas section.
Look for the <polling-interval> tag and change the value to required polling interval.
<simultaneous-collecting>1</simultaneous-collecting> <polling-interval>300</polling-interval> <refresh>3600</refresh> <collecting-group >group</collecting-group> <source>VNXBlock-Collector</source>
For each collecting-configuration in same file, set the timeout to the adjusted polling interval value.
For example, if you changed the polling interval to 120, set the timeout value to 120.
<collecting-configuration name="VNXBLOCK-FREQUENTPOLL-DISKS" timeout="120">
Click Save.
Under Logical Overview > Collecting, select Collector-Manager::< VNX_SolutionPack_instance >.
Edit the conf/collecting.xml file:
Go to line: <collector enabled="false" name="VNXBlock-FrequentPoll" next="VNX-CRFSERIALNB" config="Text-Collector/emc-vnx/conf/textoutputcollector-vnxblockfrequentpoll.xml"/>
Set collector enabled to true.
Click Save.
Click Restart to restart the collector.