To use the VMware hypervisor management feature, you need to fulfill the following prerequisites:

  • For OpenStack, ensure that you have OpenStack Cloud administrator read-only privileges which have the visibility and role across all Domain and Projects.

  • For NOVA, configure the NOVA service to generate VM events in RMQ (RabbitMQ).

    Edit the /etc/nova/nova.conf file on all VMware hyperviors in the OpenStack deployment as follows:

  • For connections, enable SNMP and LLDP on hypervisors and connected physical switches.

    To create connections between a physical switch and a KVM hypervisor, the LLDP Protocol (LLDP) must be enabled on both the physical switch and the hypervisor. If LLDP is not enabled, the connections between the physical switch and the hypervisor are not created.

  • For RMQ (RabbitMQ), ensure that you have RMQ user credentials for subscribing to events from OpenStack.

  • For ESM, the Server Manager VIO feature requires an Open Source Hypervisor license.


    The VMware hypervisor management feature is supported in an OpenStack environment where both the Keystone and NOVA Controller are running on the same host.