The Server Manager builds a topology of the VeloCloud solution components.

The topology objects represent the VeloCloud solution components in the network, their relationships, and their connections. These objects include:
  • Orchestrator: The VeloCloud Orchestrator provides centralized enterprise-wide configuration and real-time monitoring, as well as orchestrates the data flow into and through the SDWAN overlay network. Additionally, it provides the one-click provisioning of virtual services across Edges, in centralized and regional enterprise service hubs and in the cloud.

  • VEdge: VeloCloud Edge aggregates multiple types of links at branch office and with the help of other VeloCloud components- Gateway and Orchestrator - provide connectivity for the branch office to
    1. Branch office
    2. Enterprise data center

    Edges can either be a VNF or an appliance. The server manager models it as VNF. Edge is connected to zero or more Gateway. Edges in the same site can be configured be as:

    • Active/Standby HA mode.
    • Edge cluster to provide Active/Active HA and load balancing.
      Note: The edge clusters are typically configured at the data center site.
  • VGateway: Gateways are strategically placed all around the world to aid in Edge to Edge connectivity. Cloud service provider deploy their licensed Gateways within their MPLS network edges. A gateway is an NFV and is multi-tenant.
  • Tenant: The enterprise that has the SDWAN solution deployed.
  • VEdgeRedundancyGroup: A cluster of edges in a branch can be grouped in in an Active/Active HA mode. An instance of VEdgeRedundancyGroup represent an Active/Active Edge cluster.
  • NonVCSiteRouter: A branch office that does not have a VeloCloud edge deployed is referred as non VeloCloud site. In this case VeloCloud provides necessary configuration that is to be deployed in the Router in non VeloCloud site. An instance of this class represents one such Router. This NonVCSiteRouter instance will have one/more NetworkConnection to one/more VGateways.
  • AppType: Edge is assigned a list of profiles when provisioning it. The profiles has business policy rules where a list of application types and how these types need to be handled by VeloCloud is specified. An instance of this class represents one such application type in the business policy rule.