In Scenario 1, you use the Trap Adapter that is built into the VMware Smart Assurance Service Assurance Manager Adapter Platform product to receive all traps from the network and forward them on to the appropriate Domain Managers.
Do not use this scenario in a production environment! This scenario may be employed for test or debug purposes when forwarding small numbers of traps to the Adapter Platform and possibly one other manager such as IP Availability Manager.
In this scenario, edit trap configuration files in the InCharge/SAM/smarts/conf/icoi path because some traps will be forwarded to the Adapter Platform for conversion into notifications , while other traps will be forwarded to the IP Availability and Performance Managers.
The SNMP Trap Adapter that starts from the Service Assurance Manager installation reads configuration information from the InCharge/SAM/smarts/conf/icoi/trapd.conf file. Use sm_edit to modify this file and add the port and hostnames of servers to forward the traps to. (These are the servers the IP domain internal trap receivers are listening on.) The VMware Smart Assurance Service Assurance Manager Adapter Platform User Guide provides more information.
Note:If you installed the SNMP Trap Adapter as a service when you installed the VMware Smart Assurance Service Assurance Manager, this trap receiver can be started with the command: sm_service start ic-trapd-receiver. The default name of this trap receiver is TRAP-INCHARGE-OI.
(Optional: for SNMPv3 traps only.) If you plan to receive SNMPv3 traps from the network, you must edit a seed file as explained in “Editing seed files” on page 96 in order to load SNMPv3 agent credentials.
Traps recieved by Adapter Platform must be converted into notifications and forwarded on to the Service Assurance Global Manager. To complete this step, edit the InCharge/SAM/smarts/conf/icoi/trap-mgr.conf file. The VMware Smart Assurance Service Assurance Manager Adapter Platform User Guide provides more information.
In the Global Manager Administration Console, configure the Global Manager to communicate with the underlying IP Managers and the Adapter Platform. The VMware Smart Assurance Service Assurance Manager Adapter Platform User Guide provides more information.