In the recommended trap processing configuration, two SNMP Trap Adapter (Receiver) instances are invoked using different trapd.conf files. The trapd.conf for the “trap exploder” instance includes trap forwarding statements and indicates the port to use when listening for traps. In contrast, the trapd.conf for the other instance of the SNMP Trap Adapter does not include trap forwarding statements. In the following procedure, BASEDIR is the location where the Service Assurance Manager Release 8.1 is installed. Deploy the trap processing as follows:

  1. When installing the Service Assurance Manager Release 8.1, install the SNMP Trap Adapter (Receiver) as a service. The default configuration will use InCharge/SAM/smarts/local/conf/icoi/trapd.conf, the version of the trapd.conf file that is not configured to forward traps. The VMware Smart Assurance Service Assurance Manager Adapter Platform User Guide and the VMware Smart Assurance IP Manager User Guide have detailed instructions for configuring the SNMP Trap Adapter (Receiver) to receive traps.

  2. Manually create a service for the SNMP Trap Adapter that is configured as a trap exploder by using the sm_service command. The trap exploder instance will use InCharge/SAM/smarts/local/conf/trapd/trapd.conf, the version of the trapd.conf file configured to forward traps. A typical service command on a UNIX host looks like this:

    /InCharge/SAM/smarts/bin/sm_service install --force --unmanaged
    --description="VMware Smart Assurance SNMP Trap Exploder Server"
  3. Use sm_edit to configure the two different versions of trapd.conf:

    • The SNMP Trap Adapter (Receiver) instance will use InCharge/SAM/smarts/local/conf/icio/trapd.conf. The file should not include trap forwarding statements.

      • The trap exploder instance will use InCharge/SAM/smarts/local/conf/trapd/trapd.conf. This file should include all trap forwarding statements. Traps that must be processed into notifications should be forwarded to <host:port> where the SNMP Trap Adapter (Receiver) instance listens for traps.

  4. Configure the trap_mgr.conf file for the SNMP Trap Adapter (Receiver) instance to forward traps as notifications to the Global Manager (InCharge/SAM/smarts/local/conf/icoi/trap_mgr.conf). Detailed procedures are in the VMware Smart Assurance Service Assurance Manager Adapter Platform User Guide.

  5. Start both the SNMP Trap Adapter (Receiver) and the SNMP Trap Adapter (Exploder).