A MulticastGroup is a collection of multicast senders and receivers (designated by an IP address in the range of to that provides a logical address for sending information to multiple recipients.

Attributes for MulticastGroup

Following table lists some key attributes for MulticastGroup. The Multicast Manager uses these and other attributes to diagnose multicast group problems and to detect multicast group events.

Attribute Description Allowed values
GroupAddress The multicast network group identifier. String: IpAddress, an application-wide type representing an IPv4 internet address
GroupNetmask The multicast group address mask. String: IpAddress, an application-wide type representing an IPv4 internet address
GroupType The type of the group. String: IpAddress, an application-wide type representing an IPv4 internet address
IGMPNetworkCount The number of receiving IGMP networks. Integer
InRPTable Indicates that the group was discovered using the RP table. Boolean: true or false
IpMRoutePkts The total number of packets received from all sources for this group as retained by the SG entry. Unsigned long
IpMRoutePkts_In The total number of multicast packets received from all sources by the system hosting the RP for this group. Unsigned long
IpMRoutePkts_Out The total number of multicast packets sent by the system hosting the RP for this group. Unsigned long
IsManaged Indicates that the instrumentation of (S,G) entries providing data for this group will be allowed. Boolean: true or false
ReceivingSystemsCount The number of receiving Unitary Computer Systems. Integer
RPAddress The IP address of the Rendezvous Point. String: IpAddress, an application-wide type representing an IPv4 internet address