In this topic, you can find information about commands to start domain managers in server way in EDAA mode.
You need to run the following commands for the respective domain managers to start the server in EDAA mode.
IP Server:
${IP-Basedir}/bin/sm_server -n ${Servername} -c icf --bootstrap=bootstrap-am-pm.conf -b ${Broker-Host}:${Broker-Port} --edaa=ip/2.0 --output –daemon
SAM Server:
${SAM-Basedir}/bin/sm_server -n ${Servername} -c ics -b ${Broker-Host}:${Broker-Port} --edaa=sam-presentation/2.0 --output --daemon
ESM Server:
${ESM-Basedir}/bin/sm_server -n ${ESM-ServerName} -c esm -b ${Broker-Host}:${Broker-Port} --edaa=esm/2.0 --output --daemon
NPM Servers:
${NPM-Basedir}/bin/sm_server -n ${BGP-ServerName} -c bgp -b ${Broker-Host}:${Broker-Port} --edaa=bgp/2.0 --output --daemon
${NPM-Basedir}/bin/sm_server -n ${OSPF-ServerName} -c ospf -b ${Broker-Host}:${Broker-Port} --edaa=ospf/2.0 --output --daemon
${NPM-Basedir}/bin/sm_server -n ${EIGRP-ServerName} -c eigrp -b ${Broker-Host}:${Broker-Port} --edaa=eigrp/2.0 --output --daemon
${NPM-Basedir}/bin/sm_server -n ${ISIS-ServerName} -c isis -b ${Broker-Host}:${Broker-Port} --edaa=isis/2.0 --output --daemon
MPLS Servers:
${MPLS-Basedir}/bin/sm_server -n ${MPLS_AnaServer} -b ${Broker-Host}:${Broker-Port} -c mpls-a --edaa=mpls-analysis/2.0 --output --daemon
${MPLS-Basedir}/bin/sm_server -n ${MPLS_MonServer} -b ${Broker-Host}:${Broker-Port} -c mpls-m --edaa=mpls-monitoring/2.0 --output --daemon
${MPLS-Basedir}/bin/sm_server -n ${MPLS_TopoServer} -b ${Broker-Host}:${Broker-Port} -c mpls-t --edaa=mpls-topology/2.0 --output –daemon