The Device Driver Toolkit is a wizard-based tool that allows you to create a device driver through a series of steps. This tool is embedded as part of the Network Configuration Manager (NCM) application.


The capability of the Device Driver Toolkit is dependent on the capabilities of the device.

The device driver created by Device Driver Toolkit can perform the following tasks:

  • Discover devices using SNMP and/or terminal

  • Pull model, operating system version and serial number using SNMP or terminal

  • Pull interfaces, routes, arp, and entity-mib hardware using SNMP

  • Pull text-based running and startup configurations using terminal, TFTP, FTP, and SCP

  • Handle SNMP traps and syslog messages

  • Send termlets to the device

  • Send six basic quick commands to the device

  • Open cut-through sessions to the device

  • Change and Add new credentials (Accounts and SNMP Community Strings)

  • Push text-based running and startup configurations using terminal, TFTP, FTP and SCP