1. Make Changes to driver file .dasl or .inc (only Implementation change), based on SEARCHORDER 1. For example, if you want to change cisco/ios/stdfuncs.inc.

  2. If [Product directory]/custompackage/cisco/ios directory is not present, you must create this directory. If the cisco/ios/stdfuncs.inc was already present in the custompackage, modify the file.

  3. If not already present,

  4. copy [Product directory]/package/cisco/ios/stdfuncs.inc to [Product directory]/custompackage/cisco/ios/stdfuncs.inc. If this file is present, continue with step 3.

  5. Make modifications to [Product directory]/custompackage/cisco/ios/stdfuncs.inc, and then

  6. Save the file.

  7. Restart the device server services.

  8. Test the new functionality from the application, or test, based on the

  9. changes made.