This configuration is disabled. <IsActive>false</IsActive> must be enabled with the %DEVICESERVERIPADDR% substituted with devserver ip by the customer. Until then, fallback would be enabled to DASL.

<MatchString>system-information-00767: System configuration saved by .* via</MatchString>
<ChangedBy>system-information-00767: System configuration saved by (.*) via</ChangedBy>
<MatchString>system-warning-00515: Admin user .* has logged</MatchString>
<ChangedBy>system-warning-00515: Admin user (.*) has logged</ChangedBy>
<NegativeMatchString>from %DEVICESERVERIPADDR%</NegativeMatchString>

This matches all syslog messages for pulls


This filters out all messages; a <MatchString> is empty.


This is equivalent to <IsActive>false</IsActive> as there are no events.


This is configured for Generic RME driver 2000. Notice the deviceName. This is used to extract the device name from the EMS message

<NegativeMatchString>User initiated archive update</NegativeMatchString>