These files are present in relevant class directory under the[Product directory]/package/pkgxml/ directory.
For example, the CiscoIOSRouterTrap.xmp file is located in the /opt/smarts-ncm/package/pkgxml/CiscoIOSRouter/ directory.
If a change to a file is needed, you cancreatea similar directory structure under the [Product directory]/custompackage/pkgxml/ directory and copy the file to the new directory.
For example, copy the new file to the /opt/smarts-ncm/custompackage/pkgxml/CiscoIOSRouter/CiscoIOSRouterTrap.xml directory and edit the copied file. See the “Case 2: Make Changes to the Driver File .dasl or .inc (Interface Change)” for more information.
Restart the Device Server Services.
The XML configuration file can be disabled by setting the <IsActive> value to false. In this case, fallback occurs to DASL scripts -> deviceEvent function.
Note:This is recommended in cases of complex event parsing not available through xml-like complex ANDing logic of regular expressions.
By default, all xml configurations except NetScreen Syslogs are enabled at installation.
New driver event files can be placed into the[Product directory]/custompackage/event/ directory as needed. See the “Case 2: Make Changes to the Driver File .dasl or .inc (Interface Change)” for more information.