The following information details existing device issues that have been discovered within other releases. In most cases, a resolution is included to address the issue.
Extreme Summit (Model Summit iTx)
When working with the Extreme Summit device switch, the configuration text lines containing "delete" may cause connectivity loss if used in a Configuration Roll Back. Remove the "delete lines" before the Push to avoid loss of connectivity with the device during a Roll Back, or when using Restore to restore an old revision.
Extreme Device - Configuration not changing after Push
Issue: For Extreme Summit Software Version 6.1.5, configuration changes (pushes) will not take on the device using the SNMP/TFTP mechanism.
Resolution: Ensure you use the Telnet or Telnet/TFTP mechanisms for Extreme Summit configuration pushes.
Config Push using Telnet to Extreme Switch - Unsuccessful
Issue: Pushing an entire configuration to the Extreme Switch should not be executed using Telnet unless disable commands (which can potentially stop the management interface) are removed before pushing the config.
For example, for a configuration entry such as, disable ipforwarding vlan Default.
A disable command in the device configuration takes the form disable string (where string may be an interface).
All disable commands can easily be removed from the device configuration using a text editor.
You can push a full configuration using the SNMP/TFTP mechanism as a work around. Additionally, you can push configlets to the device.
Resolution: Use configlets when making changes to the Extreme Summit with Telnet or SSH.
Note:SNMP/TFTP can be used for configuration pulls; however, changes cannot be the configuration using this mechanism.