When installing the Network Configuration Manager on a Geo Diverse environment, the UNIX User ID numbers and the UNIX Group ID numbers must be identical on each Application servers.

Follow these steps to validate the UNIX User ID and Group ID numbers.




Open the /etc/passwd file on all of the Application servers.


Compare the UNIX User ID numbers for the pgdba and tomcat users between the servers, and verify that they are identical for all Application servers where you are installing Network Configuration Manager. The format of the /etc/passwd file is:


If the User ID numbers are not identical on all Application servers, use the usermod program to change the User ID numbers of the offending users. The command to change a User ID is:

usermod –u <USER_ID> <USER_NAME>


Close the /etc/passwd files on all of the Application servers.


Open the /etc/group file on all of the Application servers.


Compare the UNIX Group ID numbers for the pgdba, tomcat, and Network Configuration Manager groups between the servers, and verify that they are identical for all Application servers where you are installing Network Configuration Manager. The format of the /etc/group file is:


If the UNIX Group ID numbers are not identical on all Application servers, use the groupmod program to change the Group ID numbers of the offending groups. The command to change a Group ID is:

groupmod –g <GROUP_ID> <GROUP_NAME>


Close the /etc/group files on all of the Application servers.