Use the following script to extract the textual configuration of the device (or devices) within a Network, and write the textual configuration to a file (or files) on the file system.

  • Use this command on Solaris and Linux: ./

  • Use this command on Windows:

Valid Options


Description of Option

network network_name

Name of the network from which the device configurations have to be extracted.

outpuddir path_name

The directory into where the configs need to be extracted.

user user_name

Login user name (valid user name) used to log into Network Configuration Manager.

password user_password

Valid password to access Network Configuration Manager.

ext file_extension_name

File extension for each configuration file, for example, .txt.


With this option, there will be more logs generated. It is useful for debugging purposes.

For Windows Only:

The utility in Windows 2003 does not work if there are spaces included in the folder name.

For example, you must use:

C:\Program Files\Network Configuration Manager\tools> -network Cust1 -outputdir \"C:\Program Files\" -user xxxxx -password xxxxx -ext .txt

The output would then be:

  • Devices found in network : 9

  • Devices without config files : 1

  • Devices captured successfully : 8