Follow below steps to configure WS API client
1. Log in to the NCM host and copy "$VOYENCE_HOME/conf/bundle.p12" to the destination machine where the WS API client is configured (for example, /opt)
2. On the destination machine, type the following command as one line and press Enter: $JAVA_HOME/bin>keytool -changealias -keystore "/opt/bundle.p12" -alias 1 -destalias newalias –storetype pkcs12
3. Enter keystore password. (This is the PassPhrase entered during the NCM server installation.)
4. On the destination machine, type the following command as one line and press Enter: $JAVA_HOME/bin>keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore "/opt/bundle.p12" -destkeystore "$JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts" -srcstoretype pkcs12
5. Enter the destination keystore password : changeit
6. Enter the source keystore password. (This is the PassPhrase entered during the NCM server installation.)
7. These results should display:
Entry for alias newalias successfully imported. Import command completed: 1 entries successfully imported, 0 entries failed or cancelled.
: If customer has 3rd party certificate installed instead of selfsigned certificate,Steps 1, 3, and 6 will be different as follows:
1. Log in to the NCM host and copy "$VOYENCE_HOME/tools/ssl/server.p12" to the destination machine where the WS API client is configured (for example, /opt)(server.p12 will be generated while installing 3rd party certificate using ssl utility for NCM)
3. Enter keystore password. (In case of 3rd party certificate, the same password has to be entered which was given during certificate installation)
6. Enter the source keystore password. (In case of 3rd party certificate, the same password has to be entered which was given during certificate installation.)