
The graphical user interface (GUI mode) installer requires a connection to a running X server.

If you are installing a distributed server configuration, with separate Application server and Device servers, you must first install Network Configuration Manager on the Application server, and then install it on the Device servers.


Before installing Device servers, ensure the Application or Combination servers have the same date and time as the candidate Device server. If not, the Device server will not be able to register with the Application or Combination servers, and the installation will fail.

If the Device server cannot communicate with the Application server, this step fails, and you must reinstall the Device server.

To install a Device server using the graphical installer mode, follow these steps:




Log into the server as a user with administrator privileges.


Type bash –i gui to run the installer in the graphical installer mode, and press Enter.

The command prompt screen appears:

  • Type 1, and press Enter to install NCM Core product, and Device Drivers.

The installer begins to load. The script checks to ensure that all the prerequisites for the Network Configuration Manager are installed. The script automatically installs any missing prerequisites if the prerequisites are located in the Utils directory.

The Core Setup Installer begins to load.

Core Setup Installer Procedures


The Introduction window opens.

Click Next at the Introduction window. Notice that as you go through the various steps needed to install, the navigation pane on the left keeps a running list of the completed steps. For example, you can see at the License Agreement window that the Introduction has been completed. A check () appears by each completed phase of the installation. The right arrow () indicates the current window and installation status.


The License Agreement window appears.

Read the license agreement, select I accept the terms of the License Agreement, and click Next.


The Server Configuration window opens.

Select Device server as your configuration type, and click Next.


When installing a Device server, you must install the Application server first, and have it running and available to the Device server over the network.


The Choose Install Folder window opens. You are prompted to choose the Install Folder.

  • Accept the default location, or click Choose and select another location.

  • Once the install folder is selected, click Next.

This is the location where Network Configuration Manager will be installed.



This step only appears if the httpd.conf directory is not in the default location.

The httpd.conf Location window opens. You are now prompted to choose the directory where httpd.conf is located.

  • Accept the default location, or click Choose and select another location.

  • Once the httpd.conf file location is selected, click Next.

This is where the Apache configuration file httpd.conf is located.



This step only appears if the Java directory is not in the default location.

The Java Location window opens. You are now prompted to choose the Java directory.

  • Accept the default location, or click Choose and select another location.

  • Once the Java directory is selected, click Next.

This is the location where the Java application is installed.



This step only appears if the Tomcat directory is not in the default location.

The Tomcat Location window opens. You are now prompted to choose the Tomcat directory.

  • Accept the default location, or click Choose and select another location.

  • Once the Tomcat directory is selected, click Next.

This is the location where the Tomcat application is installed.


The Application server IP window opens.

  • Enter an IP Address for the Application server, and click Next.


The Device server Alias window opens.

  • Enter an Alias for the Device server and click Next.

This alias appears in the System Administration portion of Network Configuration Manager. This alias must not contain spaces or special characters.


The Root CA Certificates window opens. To import a 3rd party root CA certificate, select Yes, or to accept the default certificate, select No.


Root CA certificates should only need to be imported if a 3rd party SSL certificate is used in the Network Configuration Manager configuration.


If you selected Yes in the previous step, you are prompted to select the file containing the Root CA certificate. Click Next to continue. At the end of this step, you are able to import additional certificates, if needed.


If there is not enough available disk space, the installer displays an error message until sufficient disk space is free. You can continue once enough disk space is available.


The Certificate file location window appears. Provide the path for the certificate file bundle.p12 that was copied earlier and click Next.


The Password for certificate window appears. Type the same password that you entered while installing Application server and click Next.



You must perform this step irrespective of the mode of security you selected during the installation.

The lockbox file location window appears. Provide the path to the lockbox file lockb.clb that was copied earlier and click Next.


The database password window appears. Type the same password that you entered while

installing Application or Database server and click Next.


The Summary window displays the product information, as well as the required disk space. Click Install to start the installation. This portion of the installation may take several minutes.

When complete, the Device Driver Installer begins to load.

Device Driver Installer Procedures


While the Device Driver installer is running, a progress bar displays the install status. This portion of the installation may take several minutes.

The installer displays the installation complete message.


During installation of the device drivers, the files in the custompackage directory that matches the files in the device drivers directory are listed. These files will override similar files in the device drivers directories. For example, if you have modified the file for CiscoIOSRouter, it would be placed in the custom package directory and will override the same file in the /opt/smarts-ncm/package/cisco/ios directory.

Next step, go to “Post-Installation procedures” on page 119.