To change the default pull operation used by the Network Configuration Manager to pull all known device information, follow these steps:




Login to the Jminix Console.

  • Open a browser.

  • Navigate to the following address: https://<serverip>:8880/ncm-webapp

  • Type the username and password for the Jminix Console. The default username is jmx-user and the default password is sysadmin.


Go to servers > 0 > domains > com.powerup.configmgr.server.config.jmx > mbeans > name=VoyenceControlConfig,type=JMXSystemConfig > operations.


Locate the setConfigItem() operation and provide the following values for the parameters:

  • For parameter 1: config.server

  • For parameter 2: Set the value to one of the following:

    This is the default option for pull after a push.

    This is the default option for pull after an auto discovery. This is the default option for pull after a cut-through. This is the default option for pull after a single device auto discovery. This is the default option for pull after a remedy.

  • For parameter 3: Set the value to one of the following:

    NONE - A value of NONE indicates the default post operation will perform no pull.

    PULL_CONFIGS - A value of PULL_CONFIGS indicates the default post operation will perform a pull of the configuration files.

    PULL_ALL - A value of PULL_ALL indicates the default post operation will perform a pull of all known device information.

Click Execute.


This will temporarily change the value. If ncm-as service is restarted, the value will be restored to its default. See below to make the change permanent.


To make the new value permanent:

  • Locate the saveAll() operation.

  • Click Execute.


To verify your setting:

  • Locate the listAll() operation.

  • Click Execute.


    For a change to pull after push or a change to pull after auto discovery, the Java Swing Client must be closed and reopened in order to view the changes to future jobs.