This section details terms and acronyms you may encounter while using Network Configuration Manager.

Access authority

A range of possible authority levels that control access to protected resources, tasks or views.

Access Control List

A list associated with an object (resource, task or view) that identifies all users having access to the object and their access rights.

Access level

The level of authority a user has while accessing a secured file or library.

Address Pool

The Address pools allow you to setup flat address pools using Network Configuration Manager. The IP Addressing feature uses a flat topology, but it contains multiple blocks. These flat pools are only seen in the network for which they are created. The pools are then used in the Workspace, Sites and Views of the network.

Administrator (admin)

The person responsible for administrative tasks such as access authorization and content management. Administrators can also grant levels of authority to users.


An alternative name used instead of a primary name.

Angle bracket

Either the left angle bracket (<) or the right angle bracket (>). In the portable character set, these characters are referred to by the names <less-than-sign> and <greater-than-sign>.

Application Programming Interface (API)

An interface that allows an application program (written in a high-level language) to use specific data or functions of the operating system or another program.  

Application server

Software that handles communication with the client requesting an asset and queries of the Content Manager.


Application Server

Ascending sequence

The arrangement of data in order from the lowest value to the highest value, according to the rules for comparing data


Events that are not occurring at the same time


Data associated with a component. For example, a server component may have attributes such as host name, IP address, operating system version, and network domain.

Attributed Compliance Tests (ACTs)

Tests that are run for Compliance against query results.

Attributed Model (AM)

This term is used because a Device is represent as a collection of Objects, each with certain attributes that describe the current state of the Object. For example a Device will have a ManagementIp address, and a collection of Interface objects, each of which contains an InterfaceName. Each Interface object may contain one or more InterfaceIpAddress objects, which have IpAddress as one of their attributes. The AM facilities do not replace the textual, configuration-based, model of Devices within Network Configuration Manager. Rather, the AM facilities are an extension to the existing facilities, allowing you to use the most appropriate tool for the task. The AM provides an easy way to look-up and combine information from the model in a Device class- independent fashion.

ARP (Address Resolution Protocol)

Protocol that associates an interface IP address to its hardware Media Access Control (MAC) address. ARP tables provide information to Network Configuration Manager Layer 2 network devices, such as switches.

Attachments - Device Properties

The Attachments tab allows you to associate an external file to the network.

Attachments - Sites

The Attachments tab in Sites allows you to associate an external file to the site. This can include worksheets, documents, or .html files. Any document that can be opened in a web browser can be mapped as an attachment. Multiple attachments can be added to each site.


A process of inspection, correction, and verification that is used to check an activity or process and to confirm that an activity is being carried out according to a common standard or in accordance with a recognized best practice.

Authenticated user

A user who has logged into the application with a valid account (user ID and password). Authenticated users have access to all public places.  

Auto Discovery

The process by which devices are entered into the application for management is known as Auto Discovery. Auto Discovery associates network devices with a Network Configuration Manager device server and your networks. A type of discovery where a program automatically detects the resources that were not previously known.

Auto Discovery - Single Device

While in the Devices view, you can run an Auto Discovery job on a single Device.

Automation Library

Where the user creates and saves standardized templets, commands, or engineering data files used to enforce policy standards within a network.


For validation and access into Network Configuration Manager, prior to being setup in Network Configuration Manager each user must be created on the authentication server. When a user is created, the method of authentication is selected. Based on this selection, when the user attempts to log into Network Configuration Manager, the user's User ID, and if needed, Password are validated via the selected server.


The character \. The backslash enables a user to escape the special meaning of a character. That is, typing a backslash before a character tells the system to ignore any special meaning the character might have.

Back up

To create a copy of computer data that can be used to restore data that has been lost, mislaid, corrupted or erased.


A network-level tag that is applied to the current revision of all devices in the network. A baseline is applied when the network is at a known, production state. Comparing the current revision to the baseline, and rolling back to the baseline revision can be completed from the device properties pane.


Bourne Again Shell (UNIX/Linux)


Characteristic of an expression or variable that can only have a value of true or false.


To load an operating system or start the system.


A program allowing users to view (but not alter) data.


Backus Normal Form

Bulk import

The process of adding or loading a large number of items (credentials, devices, sites, users, or groups) into the application.

Change Audit

The Change Audit Report generates a report or summary of devices that have been changed, based on search criteria you determine. You can see all the changes using an array of search filters to generate this report.

Class path

A list of directories and JAR files that contain resource files or Java classes that a program can load dynamically at run time. CLASSPATH - In the execution environment, a variable that specifies the directories in which to look for class and resource files.


Interaction in distributed data processing where a program on one computer sends a request to a program on another computer and waits for a response. The requesting program is called a client; the answering (or responding) program is called a server.


A group of application servers that collaborates for workload balancing.


Similar to a configlet, a command is a snippet of device diagnostic commands. Commands can be used in a job to provide validation, or on their own for diagnostics. They also can be stored in the Automation Library to form a diagnostic toolkit.

Command Editor

The intent of the Command is not to change or update a device's configuration, although, a Command can be used for this purpose. The intent is to provide access within our product, interactively or scheduled, to other device features for performing actions. For example, providing a verification if a previous configuration change was completed correctly, completing operations on the router for verifying the integrity of the network, and completing router verification and diagnostics.

Command Line Interface

The Command Line Interface allows you to use command line operations to import and export credentials, and to decrypt Credential Logs generated by password roll outs. It also allows you to import devices and Auto Discover devices.

Comparing Hardware Revisions

From the Properties tab, you can select the Hardware Tab to view the Hardware information, and to select two versions to run a comparison.

Compare Run/Start

While viewing the Devices in either the Table or Diagram view, you can compare the Run vs. the Start configuration on devices.

Compliance Audit

You can determine which of the configurations are Compliant or Non-Compliant using this audit.

Compliance Severity

Five levels of compliance severity include, Critical, Major, Minor, Warning, and Information.


A snippet of device configuration code equaling one or more configuration commands, but less than a complete config file. Configlets can be scheduled for push to one or more devices in the network.

Configlet Editor

A text editor for constructing configlets, selecting target devices, and scheduling pushes. It is convenient for pushing quick, identical changes to many network devices.

Config Editor

A text editor that provides a means for contextual editing and comparison of 1 - n device configurations. Each device config is opened in a separate window pane, and is changed through traditional editing and template insertion.


The manner in which the hardware and software of a network are organized and interconnected.

Configuration Change Management System (CCMS)

A data store of profiles that contain configuration data that is used by system management applications to make configuration changes on networks.

Configuration Management Database (CMDB)

A database that contains details about the attributes and history of each configuration item and the details about the relationships between configuration items.

Configuration Pull

When you select this Pull Config option, what you are pulling is the running volatile configuration, and then storing that configuration onto the database.

Configuration unit (file)

A configuration unit is a logical set of information that describes or controls the behavior of a device in the context of a network and its relationship with other devices. A configuration unit may simply be available as read-only data in which case it may simply contribute to the state of a device but it is not available for modification. On the other hand, most of the time configuration units are available for modification that network administrators often modify to control the higher level services offered on that network.


A data storage location: for example, a Network, View or Site.

Contextual Launch

Using a pre-defined URL, a user or external application can launch the Network Configuration Manager application. Users must have proper authorization and authentication permissions to use this feature.


Central processing unit


For added security, credentials can be set at a network level. This action provides connection validation at the network level. Only users with adequate permissions can log on to the specific network. Credentials can include, the devices local username, the devices local password, the devices local privilege-access password, the device username and password(s) from TACACS+, SNMP community strings (Read-Only and Read-Write), Telnet and SSH terminal access, and more!


Combination Server


A terminal session initiated through Network Configuration Manager that utilizes assigned system credentials and maintains a log of keystrokes. Cut-through sessions can be initiated using telnet, SSH or via a modem. The user must have the View Passwords and Modify Device permissions to enter in Privilege mode, and Edit Device and View Password permissions to enter in User mode.

Cut-Through Tunnel

The Device cut-through allows you to create a secure, 128-bit encrypted connection tunnel to a device. The secure tunnel uses a single port pair from client through application sever and device server to the end device.

For most clients, you can establish which Telnet client you want to execute, such as PuTTY, CRT, or Secure_CRT. Cut-through also supports creating recorded Save Commands.


A program that runs unattended to complete continuous or periodic functions, such as network control.


A view or container that contains one or more views and access to additional information and links.


Device Access Scripting Language


A DASLlet is a DASL routine typically written by the end-user, similar to writing a TERMlet or a Configlet.

Data Fields

Data Fields are used to create attributes, and to assign values to devices.

Data File

A data file pulls all template variables into an editor, and allows you to edit the details. Editing the data file in this manner allows you to complete "mass changes" to templates, and then re-import the new content to the templates. Data files can be pdf, cvs, xml or txt.  


An attribute, value, or option that is assumed when none is explicitly specified.

Descending sequence

The arrangement of data in order from the highest value to the lowest value, according to the rules for comparing data.

Desired state

The state that a user wants a device to have.


A piece of equipment. Devices include routers, switches, firewalls, VPN concentrators, and OS images.

Device address

A unique identifier for each device so it is recognized by the system.

Device class

The generic name for a group of device types. Each device class has a unique name and represents a device type.

Device name

The symbolic name of an individual device.

Device Package

A device family or class is represented by a device package. A device package is a collection of driver code and class metadata that is used to manage all devices of that class. Device packages are field deployable.

Device Properties

A tabbed display of device-specific information, including History, Hardware, Communications, Interfaces, General device information, Configuration files, and more. Accessed from the Devices View.

Device Search

The Global Device Search feature allows you to search through your network at the Global level. You can search for Device Class and Network, narrowing your search to produce faster search results.

Device Server

The appliance that is responsible for all communications with the network devices. As part of a scalable architecture, a network can employ multiple device servers to isolate overlapping address spaces, limit WAN traffic over slow connections, and balance the device load of a large environment.

Device State

The device state is defined by a collection of configuration units pulled from the device at any point of time.

Device type

The generic name for a group of devices

Device IDX keys

Integer keys provided by Device Services that uniquely identify a device.


Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol.


Pertaining to the detection and isolation of an error.

Diagnostic Tool

With this tool, you can track Configuration Revisions, as well as any changes made to Devices.

Distributed Deployment

Which includes:

  • Application Server The primary server that handles the Graphical User Interface (GUI), and coordinates with the device server to communicate with discovered devices. This server also serves as the repository for device configuration files.

  • Device Server The communication portal between the application server and the network devices under management


Domain Name System.


A part of a network that is administered as a unit with a common protocol.

Domain name

A name of a host system. A domain name consists of a sequence of subnames that are separated by a delimiter character, for example,


To transfer data from a computer to a connected device, such as a workstation or personal computer.


Using a pointing device to move an object. A user can drag a window border to make it larger by holding a button pointing device while moving the pointing device.


A list or menu that opens when clicked and stays open until the user selects a list item or clicks elsewhere in the user interface.


Device Server


End of life


End of Service

Event Manager

The Event Manager feature allows you to view activities that have transpired on the network. For example, you can access the log and view the Event, the Owner (or user), the Network that was accessed, the Date/Time the event was logged, and more!


A function or process that converts an internal file to some standard file format for use outside of an application.


A string that evaluates to a value of a particular type. Expressions consist of terms (literal strings, function calls, and symbols), and zero or more operators.


Designated favorites (you select) are listed in the navigation pane, allowing you to quickly access the Views and Workspaces you use most often.


There are two filter types: Display filters and Device Membership filters.

  • Display filters set by users to specify the details that the user wants displayed. Display filters are set per session, and are saved per user.
  • Device Membership filters provide dynamic membership in a view, based on the device attributes and static membership through a user-defined device list. Device Membership filters are saved as part of the view's properties.


A network configuration, usually both hardware and software, that prevents unauthorized traffic into and out of a secure network.


A software maintenance package such as an interim fix, test fix, or program temporary fix, that solves a customer problem.


A container (such as a Network) used to organize objects.

Form Editor

The Automation Library's pre-set form used to create Queries, Tests, Standards and more.


Fully qualified device name. A qualified name that includes all names in the hierarchical sequence above the structure member to which the name refers, as well as the name of the member itself.

Free space

The total amount of unused space in a page, data set, file, or storage medium. Free space is the space that is not used to store records or control information.


File Transfer Protocol. Application layer protocol that uses TCP and Telnet services to transfer bulk-data files between machines or hosts.

Global Device Rights

Security permissions set at a device level that override all other security settings.


Greenwich Mean Time


A collection of users who can share access authorities for protected resources.

Group name

A name that uniquely identifies a group of users to the system.

Graphical User Interface (GUI)

A type of computer interface that presents a visual metaphor of a real-world scene, often of a desktop, by combining high-resolution graphics, pointing devices, menu bars and other menus, overlapping windows, icons and the object-action relationship.


The physical components of a computer system.


Data that is organized on computer systems using a hierarchy of containers, often called folders (directories) and files. In this scheme, folders can contain other folders and files. The successive containment of folders within folders creates the levels of organization, which is the hierarchy.

High availability (HA)

The ability of IT services to withstand all outages and continue providing processing capability according to some predefined service level. Covered outages include both planned events, such as maintenance and backups, and unplanned events, such as software failures, hardware failures, power failures, and disasters.  

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

An Internet protocol that is used to transfer and display hypertext and XML documents on the Web.


Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

Internationalization (I18N)

The process of designing and developing a software product to function in multiple locales. In software engineering, the process of producing a product that is independent of any particular language, script, culture, and coded character set.


In-Band communications using a Telnet session is where you can make needed changes or enter information. Notice that this is a secure site, and you must have permission to work within this feature.

Interface Editor

The Interface Editor is used to make changes to multiple interfaces on multiple devices. The editor uses configlets to insert the changes. The Interface Editor works in two ways. It allows you to filter a devices interface's to include only the interfaces that are affected by the configlet. It also allows you to make changes to devices globally, which affects all interfaces on multiple devices. At this time, only Cisco devices are supported with this functionality.


Internet Protocol. This is a network layer protocol in the Internet protocol suite and is encapsulated

in a data link layer protocol (e.g., Ethernet).

IP address (Internet Protocol address)

A unique address for a device or logical unit on a network that uses the IP standard.

IP Security Architecture (IPSec)

A collection of Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) standards that define an architecture at the Internet Protocol (IP) layer to protect IP traffic by using various security services.


Internet Message Access Protocol.

Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol (ISAKMP)

A protocol that provides the mechanism to establish Security Associations (SA) and cryptographic keys in an Internet environment. ISAKMP establishes the security characteristics and cryptographic keys to be used in a virtual private network (VPN).

Inventory Report

A report that provides inventories of software products, patches, and hardware.

J2EE application

Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition. Any deployable unit of J2EE functionality. This unit can be a single module or a group of modules packaged into an enterprise archive (EAR) file with a J2EE application deployment descriptor.


An object-oriented programming language for portable interpretive code that supports interaction among remote objects. Java was developed and specified by Sun Microsystems, Incorporated.


A tool that parses the declarations and documentation comments in a set of source files and produces a set of HTML pages describing the classes, inner classes, interfaces, constructors, methods, and fields. (Sun)

Java file

An editable source file (with .java extension) that can be compiled into bytecode (a .class file).


Java Naming and Directory Interface

JMX Console

Java Management Extensions Console


A collection of one or more tasks, associated with an editor session that is sent to the scheduler.


The join specifies the tables used in constructing a Query and the relationship between the tables. Database joins specify how to link any entry in one table with another table.


Lightweight Directory Access Protocol

Library Manager

The Library Manager contains the Queries and the Tests.

Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)

An open protocol that uses TCP/IP to provide access to directories that support an X.500 model and that does not incur the resource requirements of the more complex X.500 Directory Access Protocol (DAP). For example, LDAP can be used to locate people, organizations, and other resources in an Internet or intranet directory.


In JDK, a class that receives and handles events.

Local Database

A database that is located on the workstation in use. See also remote database.

Log file

The file where the log of events is recorded.


A sequence of instructions performed repeatedly.

Maintenance Window

Network Configuration Manager allows you to set a window of time in which updates to your networks can be scheduled. This can be designated by time of day, days of the weeks, or scheduled to run on a regularly scheduled event until changed basis. A maintenance schedule can be set for the entire network, or for separate networks that are managed by Network Configuration Manager.


From the Device Properties, you can select the Hardware Tab to view the Current Memory Allocation.

Management Information Base (MIB)

In the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), a database of objects that can be queried or set by a network management system.

Meta Data

Data that describes a particular piece of information and that helps that information be retrieved (by search), browsed (by category), or filtered (by interest). Metadata is often part of a taxonomy or classification scheme.

Megabyte (Mbyte, MB)

For processor storage, real and virtual storage, and channel volume, 2 to the 20th power or 1,048,576 bytes. For disk storage capacity and communications volume, 1 000 000 bytes.

Megahertz (MHz)

A unit of measure of frequency. One megahertz equals 1 000 000 hertz.


Management Information Base


To install a new version or release of a program to replace an earlier version or release.


To make a file system accessible.



To pass through one or more intermediate queue managers when there is no direct communication link between a source queue manager and the target queue manager.


This entails support for storing and revisioning multiple configuration files - per device.


Month-month-day-day-year-year format of a date (for example 04282007 for April 28, 2007).

Navigation pane

The pane (left section of the user interface) that displays icons for views, folders, and other application features or functions. Network Configuration Manager has the Networks Navigation pane and the Library Manager Navigation pane.


Network Configuration Management


Within Network Configuration Manager a network is defined as a logical partitioning of the devices that are in a physical network. Networks can be created to best model your business environment. For example, networks can be created and defined by customer, region, subsidiary, or responsibility. For example, they can be defined at corporate vs. division. Within networks, devices can be further organized logically and physically. In addition, you can design and stage modifications to the devices in user-defined workspaces.

Network Access

When a network is created by the System Administrator, users/groups must beassigned permissions to the network prior to being able to complete any network tasks.

Network Address Translation (NAT)

Network Address Translation (or NAT) modifies the source and destination IP addresses of information that flows through the system.

Network Administrator

Any user that has Network Management permissions in Network Configuration Manager. Network Admin's cancreate, manage, and delete networks and network properties within the application. network administrator

A person who defines the network configuration and other network-related information. This person controls how an enterprise or system uses its network resources.

Network Navigation (tree)

The section of the application's user interface where you can access to the menu bar (containing Tools, Windows and more), and where you can work with Favorites, Networks, Sites, Views and Workspaces.


Network Operations Center (NOC)


Network Time Protocol. A protocol built on top of TCP/IP that assures accurate local timekeeping with reference to radio, atomic or other clocks located on the Internet.

Object identifier (OID)

A hierarchical sequence of numbers that uniquely identifies an object.


Object identifiers


Operating System

Out-of-Band Servers

Network Configuration Manager provides an option for setting up alternative communication methods using out-of-band servers. For example, if there is a problem with a device and traffic cannot flow through the network, an alternate path can be set using a terminal server to reach the network nodes, even when the network is down.


To specify attributes at run time that change the attributes specified in the file description or in the program.


Protocol Data Unit. A packet of data passed across a network.


Practical Extraction and Report Language


Permissions allows Users and Groups access to information and tasks within Network Configuration Manager.

This includes the authority granted to users to give them access to an application's features and functions.


PHP is a server-side HTML embedded scripting language.


A policy is a set of user-define guidelines for any device configuration change. These guidelines can only be defined by a Network or System Administrator.

Postfix Mail Server

If there is no DNS server available, you will need to select Postfix as your mail server.

Primary Network

Network Configuration Manager allows devices to be managed by multiple networks . The first network that the device is associated with becomes its primary network.

Privilege Password Levels

Privilege Password levels associated with Devices determines the level of access and activity a user can have pertaining to any one device. User's are limited to the device tasks they can complete, based on their Privilege level.

Privileged Password Mode (during Installation)

There are two supported privileged password modes: Single-Level and Multi-Level.  Use Single-Level if you are unsure which mode to use.  

  • Single-Level mode is the most widely used method and provides the highest privilege level credential used within the Network Configuration Manager application.  Most users select Single-Level mode to manage authentication and maintain privileged credentials.
  • Multi-Level mode allows multiple levels of privileged passwords to be created and associated with each device within the Network Configuration Manager application.  Multi-Level mode requires devices capable of specifying multiple privilege level modes using the privileged password.  Do not use this mode if you are using TACACS+, LDAP or similar external systems for authentication management.

Privilege class

A level of authority that is granted to an administrator. The privilege class determines which administrative tasks the administrator can perform. For example, an administrator with system privilege class can perform any administrative task.

Privileged user

A user logged into an account with root user authority.

Product Serial Number

Each license key has a product serial number associated with it.

Promote to Baseline

A Baseline must have already been set for the Network. Using this feature you can Promote a Baseline for a Device without a Baseline defined for the Network to the current configuration version.

Protected Resource

Any section of the application or object in the application that is protected by a security permission. Examples of protected resources include networks, workspaces and devices.


An application gateway from one network to another for a specific network application such as Telnet or FTP, for example, where a firewall's proxy Telnet server performs authentication of the user and then lets the traffic flow through the proxy as if it were not there. Function is performed in the firewall and not in the client workstation, causing more load in the firewall.

Proxy Feature

Using the Proxy feature, you can access your Networks and Devices without having Network Configuration Manager on the Client machine. You can use any SSH client to connect to the  application.

Pull Hardware Spec

When the Pull Hardware Spec option is selected, the hardware specifications for the specific device are pulled back into the device. The hardware that is pulled into the device is the running volatile hardware.


A request for information from a database based on specific conditions.


A set of pre-defined queries (or tables populated with device information) is shipped with this release. Queries are similar to reports where the contents are displayed in a spreadsheet-like fashion.

Quick Commands

The Quick Commands option allows you to access quick commands , including Ping, Trace route, assorted Views, and more. Quick Commands can be used with Devices, Sites, and Workspaces.


RADIUS is an authentication and accounting server for terminal servers that speak to the RADIUS protocol. Network Configuration Manager works with RADIUS to validate user access. All user/password details are stored on your RADIUS server. Network Configuration Manager is then mapped to the server to retrieve this information for validation.


Redundant Array of Independent Disks


Relatively Distinguished Name. The relative key used within Devices Services to distinguish one attribute from another in the Attributed Model.

Real time

The processing of information that returns a result so rapidly that the interaction appears to be instantaneous.


Regular Expression

Remote Database

1) A shared database that is accessed by a program running on a different computer. The shared database is considered remote with respect to the program accessing it.

(2) A database to which a connection is made by using a database link, while connected to a local database. See also local database.

Report Advisor

Where various reports can be viewed. These reports included Inventory, Device, Credentials, and more. With the Reports Advisor, you can track and identify crucial activity on your networks.You can also create Ad Hoc Reports.


The core of the Network Configuration Manager application server is where all device configuration data is stored and revisioned. It also maintains the relational database for all device and connection data.


An updated device config file, differing from the last known config file.

Resync Device Configurations

While viewing the Devices in either the Table or Diagram view, you are alerted (by the out-of-sync icon) that you have devices that are out-of-sync. This indicates that the running configuration for a specific device is not "in sync" with the saved device configuration, and should be brought back into sync to preserve the running configuration when the application is rebooted.


Red Hat Enterprise Linux


RedHat Network


Resource Manager Essentials (CISCO)


Read only

Roll back

To return to a previous stable condition.

Roll Back to Baseline

A Baseline must have already been set for the Network. From the Baseline tab in the Device Properties, you can Roll Back any changes you have made to an existing baseline.

Roll Credentials

When using the Network Shared Credentials window, you can Roll from one credential to another credential, manage credentials on devices, and view a history of the credentials and their devices.

Root user

A system user who operates without restrictions. A root user has the special rights and privileges needed to perform administrative tasks.

Row Limit

Located in the Options tab on the Form Editor for Templates. By default, the server displays a maximum of 10,000 rows of data in a Query Result. You can increase or decrease the row limit.


Responding Server


An algorithm used for public-key cryptography.

RSA Credentials

A Device RSA credential or a User RSA credential used in Network Configuration Manager.

RSA Token Server

The server used to store RSA tokens used for RSA authentication.

RSA Token Service

A Network Configuration Manager global service built on the RSA API to enumerate soft tokens and generate pass codes.

RSA Two-Factor Authentication

RSA SecurID– two-factor authentication is based on something you know such as a password or PIN, and something you have such as an authenticator.  This provides a more reliable level of user authentication than a typical reusable passwords.

Run Time

A designated time or interval when a job is pushed to the network. This is determined in the Schedule Manager.




Mail Integration Module Service ARchive (SAR)

Saved Commands

The Saved Commands option allows you to access saved commands you have previously created, and execute those commands immediately.


The ability of a system to expand as resources, such as processors, memory, or storage, are added.


The Scheduler allows you to designate when jobs are pushed to the network.

Schedule Manager

Where the user reviews, approves, rejects, cancels, holds, and checks job status and history.


A collection of database objects such as tables, views, indexes, or triggers that define a database. A database schema provides a logical classification of database objects.

Search criteria

Attribute values that are used to retrieve a stored item.

Single Device Auto Discovery

The option selected from Tools to auto discovery a single device.


Sites allow users to segment devices into a physical hierarchical structure that is user-defined and managed. Sites are viewed and updated in the Site View of a network by authorized users only.

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)

A security protocol that provides communication privacy. With SSL, client/server applications can communicate in a way that is designed to prevent eavesdropping, tampering, and message forgery.


Pertaining to an application or component of an application that runs on a server rather than on the client.


Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (internet email)


A record of the current state of the database environment.

Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)

A set of protocols for monitoring systems and devices in complex networks. Information about managed devices is defined and stored in a Management Information Base (MIB).

Single Server Deployment

Which includes the Combination Server One physical box serves as both the application and device server.


A lightweight, XML-based protocol for exchanging information in a decentralized, distributed environment. SOAP can be used to query and return information and invoke services across the Internet.

Special character

A character other than a digit, a letter, or one of these characters: $, #, @, ., or _. For example, the following characters are special characters: *, +, and %.


A Standard allows you to set up filters and tests that are run against specific device classes.


A sequence of text characters.

Subnet Mask

A 32-bit address mask used to differentiate the network and host portions of an IP address. Represented as either a dotted decimal or as an integer that specifies the number of network bits. (This format is commonly known as CIDR.)


Any network that is part of a larger IP network, and is identified by a subnet address. A network administrator segments a network into sub-networks to provide a hierarchical, multi-level routing structure of networks that are attached. Also known as a subnet.

Symbolic Device

A convenience representation of a device in a network other than its primary network. Symbolic devices represent devices that are primarily managed in one network, but are used or represented in another network (such as a management router). Unless global device rights are specified for the device, the network security permissions for the subsequent networks apply to the symbolic devices.

System Admin

Any user that has global System Management permissions within Network Configuration Manager. System Admin's can complete any function within the application, including network management and user management.

System Groups

System Groups is a defined group of users that have the same permission levels in networks. System groups can be nested within other system groups. Nesting allows one group to "inherit" the permissions of the group in which it is nested. The nesting helps ensure that access permissions remain consistent, and decreases the time required to manually assign each user individual permissions.

System Management Console

The System Management Console has control features allowing you to complete basic monitoring tasks, and to make adjustments to the services running on Network Configuration Manager.

System Users

System users are users that are authorized to have access to the application for the purpose of network configuration and maintenance. Before any user can be included in a System Group, they must first be added to Network Configuration Manager. Once entered into the system and assigned privileges, the user is given access to specific networks and their devices.


Terminal Access Controller Access Control System


A task is a scheduled event for a single device.


An object used to create new objects of the same type. The newly created object has the same characteristics as the template.


During installation, you can access folders with examples of Templates and Tests containing pre-loaded data. These can be used as examples to create your own Templates and Tests to use in your network.

Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP)

In Internet communications, a set of conventions that transfers files between hosts using minimal protocol.

Template Variables

When creating a template you can designate variables in which the user can supply a value (for example, password, IP address, DLCI, host name, or community string). A variable specifies names, properties, and the number of named variables.



Tests allow you to set preconditions and check patterns that validate the config file. Tests are then linked to Standards. Tests must be linked to a Standard to run. When the criteria for a Standard is met by a config, the Test validates against the content of the config.


Unique identifier

up2date utility

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.0 up2date utility packaged. This utility requires that you have an account set up through the Red Hat Network at

Unmanaged Devices

Discovered devices that are not to be managed in the application are designated as unmanaged. Revisions and device data are not retained for unmanaged devices.

Unclassified Devices

Devices that are not associated with, or managed within a network. If a device associated with only one network is unmanaged, it will return to an unclassified state. Revisions and device data are retained for devices in an unclassified state.


Uniform Resource Locator

User Admin

Any user that has User Management permissions in Network Configuration Manager. User Admin's can create, manage, and delete users within the application.

Variable length

The length of a record or field that can be changed.

Variables Tab

Located on the Form Editor for Templates. This tab allows you to define variables that are initialized from the output of the result set. These variables are used the Attributed Compliance Tests.


A person or company that provides a service or product to another person or company.


User-defined, logical segmentations of devices in a network. The devices contained in a view may be specified through an explicit device list, and/or by specifying a filter on device attributes. Views are non-hierarchical, and may be managed using folders.

Virtual Devices

New device placeholders that can be created in workspaces. They represent future devices not yet deployed in a network.


A design-based automation utility for constructing intelligent configlets used in adding connections, routing protocols, and other functionality in device configurations. Wizards assist in enforcing network best practices.


Write only


A sandbox for storing device configurations that are used in longer duration projects requiring access by multiple users, interim saves, and/or custom settings before being scheduled. Workspaces can be used for designs and complex changes. Workspaces are non-hierarchical, and can be managed using folders.


Web Services Description Language


Extensible Markup Language