This section provides information on VMware Smart Assurance interoperability matrix.

Interoperability Matrix

VMware Smart Assurance Suite 10.1.5 products interoperate with the following products:

M&R Smarts SP 10.1.5 Presentation SAM 10.1.5 Agg.SAM 10.1.5 SAM Cons 10.1.5 IP 10.1.5 ESM 10.1.5 NPM 10.1.5 MPLS 10.1.5 OTM 10.1.5 VoIP 10.1.5 NCM 10.1.4 DCF 10.1.5
M&R 6.8.5, 7.0.8
Smarts SP 10.1.5
Smarts SP 9.6 x
Presentation SAM 10.1.5
Presentation SAM 10.1.2,10.1,10.0, 9.6 x x x x x x x x x x x
Agg.SAM 10.1.5
Agg.SAM 10.1.2,10.1,10.0, 9.6 x x x x x x
SAM Cons 10.1.5
SAM Cons 10.1.2,10.1,10.0, 9.6 x x x x x x x x
IP 10.1.5
IP 10.1.2,10.1,10.0, 9.6 x
ESM 10.1.5
ESM 10.1.2,10.1,10.0, 9.6 x
NPM 10.1.5
NPM 10.1.2,10.1,10.0, 9.6
MPLS 10.1.5
MPLS 10.1.2,10.1,10.0, 9.6
OTM 10.1.5,10.1.2,10.1,9.6
ACM 10.1.5,10.1.2,10.1
VoIP 10.1.5,10.1.2,10.1,9.6
ASAM 10.1.5,10.1.2
Mcast 10.1.5,10.1.2
SAM Adpt Suite 8.1.7, 8.1.4
NCM 10.1.4,10.1.3,10.1.1,10.1 x
NCM RA 9.6
DCF 10.1.5 x
DCF 1.1.2 x x x x
vROPS 8.4,8.3,8.2
vROPS Cloud 8.4
  • Upgrades from 9.6, 10.0, 10.1, and 10.1.2 to 10.1.5 is supported for VMware Smart Assurance.
  • Migration from 9.6, 10.0, 10.1, and 10.1.2 to 10.1.5 is supported for VMware Smart Assurance.