The collector must connect to each instance of Oracle databases and perform SQL queries. You can use either an administrator equivalent system account or create a dedicated system account for the collector. If you want to create a dedicated system account, ask the DBA administrator to run the following query against every instances/RAC cluster. This will create a watch4net account with specific grants for the collector.


  1. Create the watch4net user:
    create user watch4net identified by <securepassword> default tablespace users temporary tablespace temp;
  2. Grant the necessary privileges to the watch4net user by running the following grants:
    grant create session to watch4net;
    grant select on dba_data_files to watch4net;
    grant select on dba_free_space to watch4net;
    grant select on dba_libraries to watch4net;
    grant select on dba_objects to watch4net;
    grant select on dba_segments to watch4net;
    grant select on dba_tablespaces to watch4net;
    grant select on gv_$sysmetric to watch4net;
    grant select on v_$asm_disk to watch4net;
    grant select on v_$asm_diskgroup to watch4net;
    grant select on v_$asm_diskgroup_stat to watch4net;
    grant select on v_$asm_disk_stat to watch4net;
    grant select on v_$database to watch4net;
    grant select on v_$dispatcher to watch4net;
    grant select on v_$filestat to watch4net;
    grant select on v_$instance to watch4net;
    grant select on V_$instance_recovery to watch4net;
    grant select on v_$latch to watch4net;
    grant select on v_$librarycache to watch4net;
    grant select on V_$LOCK to watch4net;
    grant select on v_$locked_object to watch4net;
    grant select on v_$lock_type to watch4net;
    grant select on v_$log to watch4net;
    grant select on v_$logfile to watch4net;
    grant select on v_$parameter to watch4net;
    grant select on V_$PGASTAT to watch4net;
    grant select on v_$rollstat to watch4net;
    grant select on v_$rowcache to watch4net;
    grant select on v_$session to watch4net;
    grant select on v_$sesstat to watch4net;
    grant select on v_$sess_io to watch4net;
    grant select on v_$sgainfo to watch4net;
    grant select on v_$statname to watch4net;
    grant select on v_$sysmetric to watch4net;
    grant select on V_$SYSSTAT to watch4net;
    grant select on V_$SYSTEM_event to watch4net;
    grant select on v_$system_wait_class to watch4net;
    grant select on V_$version to watch4net;


Your dedicated account is configured.