Follow these steps to determine why the RabbitMQ service does not start.


  1. Verify RabbitMQ is NOT already running by typing sm_service show.
  2. Verify the Erlang process is NOT running by typing ps -ef | grep erl.
  3. If the Erlang process is running, stop it before restarting RabbitMQ.
    The Erlang process may be running from a prior installation, or was started outside the sm_service mechanism.
  4. Verify the qpidd process is NOT running by typing ps -ef | grep qpidd.
  5. If the qpidd process is running, stop it before restarting the RabbitMQ service.
    The qpidd process runs on some Linux distributions and can conflict with RabbitMQ by using the same port.
  6. Check that no other RabbitMQ installation exists by typing ps -ef | grep rabbit.