Follow these steps to check if the RabbitMQ service was properly configured.

When you start the sm_rabbitmq script, it verifies the RabbitMQ configuration and creates the required exchanges, queues, users, and priming message in qnameq if they do not exist. If this script fails, check the local/logs/setup_rabbitmq.log file.


  1. Log in to the RabbitMQ interface: http://<HOSTNAME>:15672/
  2. Type the credentials for the RabbitMQ interface. The default values are admin for the user and changeme for the password.
  3. Verify these exchanges are under the Exchanges tab:
    • emc.smarts.notifications (of type topic)
    • emc.smarts.notifications.ingestion (of type x-consistent-hash)
  4. Verify these queues are under the Queues tab:
    • emc.smarts.notifications.q1, the main queue for holding notifications for ingestion
    • emc.smarts.notifications.qnameq
    If a high number of messages appear under emc.smarts.notifications.q1, ingestion is either backlogged or has stopped.
    One message should appear under emc.smarts.notifications.qnameq.
  5. Verify these users are defined under the Admin tab, and have access to the emc.smarts.notifications vhost:
    • admin (with the administrator tag)
    • ingestion
    • publisher