The following existing device issues have been discovered with other releases. A resolution is included to address the issue, if available.

  • No volatile or non-volatile storage information is available using SNMP, for this device class.

  • User accounts are defined at administrator level.

  • Test device for Model D39 did not have the following configuration files and hence the pull for these files will end up with a warning:

    • /config/lcd/lcdinfo.txt

    • /config/big3d/big3d.key

    • /config/lcd/ledinfo.txt

    • /config/big3d/big3d.pem

    • /config/lcd/serialinfo.txt

    • /config/lcd/portinfo.txt

    • /config/big3d/big3d.req

    • /config/lcd/menus

    • /config/big3d/big3d.crt

    • /config/RegKey.license

    • /config/ucs_version

  • Due to lack of device availability during development, operating system version 10 devices are currently supported under the version 9 driver class.