The following information must be available for this driver class to manage an applicable device.

  • SNMP

    • Get the Model based on sysObjectID from the models file

    • sysObjectID contains ""

    • sysDescr contains "[Vv]yatta"

    • Get the Hostname

  • Terminal

    • The output of show version command matches to "(?i)^Copyright:\\s+.*Vyatta" regular expression

    • Get model from the output of #VyattaRouter# command by matching the regular expression "#(VyattaRouter)#"

    • Get the sysObjectID based on Model from models file

    • Get the Serial number from the output of show interfaces ethernet eth0 | match ether command by matching the regular expression "/ether +([a-fA-F0-9:]{17})"

    • Get the Hostname from the output of the show configuration |match host-name command by matching the regular expression "host-name +(.+)$"