1. Login to NCM Application server from which you want to backup database, and then set the VOYENCE_HOME environment variable.

    For example, in Linux, execute the following command:

    source /etc/voyence.conf

  2. Stop the tomcat service running on the remote RA server.
  3. Take the backup of database by using the backup.pl script under the <VOYENCE_HOME>/tools directory.

    The script creates a “backup-image-.*.tgz” file under the VOYENCE_HOME>/data-image directory.

    • If you have Smarts Adapter configured with SMARTS IP and SAM, the backup.pl script will also backup the Smarts Adapter data.
    • If you are taking backup from lower version of NCM (10.1.3 and below) then before taking the backup run the database-changes.pl script present under Utils directory of 10.1.6 installer.
  4. Copy the “backup-image-.*.tgz” file to a host where a new NCM Application server is installed. The backup file can be copied under any directory.
  5. Login to the new NCM Application server setup, and then execute the following command:

    source /etc/voyence.conf

  6. Execute the following command from the <VOYENCE_HOME>/tools directory if you are restoring database across same NCM version:

    perl restore.pl <Absolute path to backup image file /backup-image-.*.tgz>

  7. Execute the following command from the <VOYENCE_HOME>/tools directory if you are restoring database on higher NCM version:

    perl restore.pl <Absolute path to backup image file /backup-image-.*.tgz> --force

    Note: This step is required for the backups taken from NCM 9.6 version onwards.
  8. Update the InfraDB entry with Device server host names and IP addresses. To update the InfraDB entry, perform the following steps:
    1. From the <VOYENCE_HOME>, execute the following command:

      \cgi-bin\cflist.cgi > cflist.txt

    2. Edit the cflist.txt to change all Device server FQDN and IP address to the new Device server FQDN and IP address.

      For example, POP 1000 "<HOSTNAME>" NetList= RsrcList= DevList=1001,1002 EmsList= : ADDR="<IPADDRESS"

    3. Execute the following command. It must return 'Status: 200 Success'.

      \cgi-bin\cfwrite.cgi < cflist.txt

  9. On the new Application server, go to the <VOYENCE_HOME>/bin directory, and then add all distributed Device servers to the lockbox using cstdriver utility:
    1. cstdriver -lockbox <VOYENCE_HOME>/data/lockb.clb -passphrase <passphrase> -addHost <FQDN of Device server>
    2. cstdriver -lockbox <VOYENCE_HOME>/data/lockb.clb -passphrase <passphrase> -addHost <FQDN>
  10. Change the ownership of <VOYENCE_HOME>/data directory to ncm:voyence using the command:

    chown -R ncm:voyence <VOYENCE_HOME>/data

  11. Change the ownership of <VOYENCE_HOME>/conf/key and <VOYENCE_HOME>/conf/iv files to ncm:voyence using the command:
    chown -R ncm:voyence <VOYENCE_HOME>/conf/key
    chown -R ncm:voyence <VOYENCE_HOME>/conf/iv
  12. Restart the vcmaster service in the Application server host.
  13. Copy and replace the <VOYENCE_HOME>/data/lockb.clb file from Application server host to all Device server host under <VOYENCE_HOME>/data/lockb.clb.
  14. Change the ownership of the lockb.clb file to ncm:voyence using the command:
    chown ncm:voyence lockb.clb
  15. Change the file permissions of the lockb.clb file to 640 using the command:
    chmod 640 lockb.clb
  16. Copy and replace the following from the old Device server to new Device server:
    • <VOYENCE_HOME>/data/devserver/configuration/ad_nextIdx
      • <VOYENCE_HOME>/data/devserver/configuration/ad_numIdxIHavefiles
  17. Change the ownership of both the files to ncm:voyence using the commands:
    chown ncm:voyence ad_nextIdx
    chown ncm:voyence ad_numIdxIHavefiles
  18. Change the file permissions of both the files to 660 using the commands:
    chmod 660 ad_nextIdx
    chmod 660 ad_numIdxIHavefiles
  19. Restart the vcmaster service in all distributed Device server hosts.
  20. To update all Device server FQDN in cm_device_server table in the database, do the following:
    1. Login to NCM UI, and then navigate to Tools > System Administration > Global > Access > Device Servers.
    2. Select each Device server, and then click Edit.
    3. In the Edit Device Server window, click OK.


      Run the following command from [Product directory]\db\controldb\bin:

      psql.exe -h -d voyencedb -U pgdba -p 5435 -c "update cm_device_server set device_server_name='Device_Server_name';" 
  21. If you have Smarts Adapter configured in your previous NCM setup, follow these steps:

    On Linux

    1. Stop the NCM Smarts Adapter service.

      service ncmsmartsadapter stop

    2. Change the directory to $VOYENCE_HOME/NCMSmartsAdapter/.
    3. Open and edit the prodDb.script file, so that VOYENCE_CONFIGURATION table is populated with actual AS host name, as follows:
    4. Search for

      INSERT INTO VOYENCE_CONFIGURATION VALUES (1,4,TRUE,'auth.conf','2','10000','linbgh125.lss.vmware.com','jUpFF0M5HQuOdJUqIYKo0w==','sysadmin')

    5. Replace the old Application server host name with new Application server host name.

      For example, replace 'linbgh125.lss.vmware.com' with '<new Application server host name>'.

    6. Start the NCM Smarts Adapter service.

      service ncmsmartsadapter start