- Login to NCM server from which you want to take the backup of database, and then set the VOYENCE_HOME environment variable.
For example, in Linux, execute the following command:
source /etc/voyence.conf
- Take the backup of database by using the backup.pl script under the <VOYENCE_HOME>/tools directory.
The script creates a “backup-image-.*.tgz” file under the VOYENCE_HOME>/data-image directory.
Note:- If you have Smarts Adapter configured with SMARTS IP and SAM, the backup.pl script will also backup the Smarts Adapter data.
- If you are taking backup from lower version of NCM (10.1.3 and below) then before taking the backup run the database-changes.pl script present under Utils directory of 10.1.6 installer.
- Copy the “backup-image-.*.tgz” file to a host where a new NCM Combination setup is installed. The backup file can be copied under any directory.
- Login to the new NCM server setup, and then execute the following command:
source /etc/voyence.conf
- Execute the following command from the <VOYENCE_HOME>/tools directory if you are restoring database across the same NCM version:
perl restore.pl <Absolute path to backup image file /backup-image-.*.tgz>
- Execute the following command from the <VOYENCE_HOME>/tools directory if you are restoring database on higher NCM version:
perl restore.pl <Absolute path to backup image file /backup-image-.*.tgz> --forceNote: This step is required for the backups taken from NCM 9.6 version onwards.
- Update the InfraDB entry with the Device server host name. To update the InfraDB entry, perform the following steps:
- From the <VOYENCE_HOME>, execute the following command:
\cgi-bin\cflist.cgi > cflist.txt
- Edit the cflist.txt to change the Device server FQDN to the new Device server FQDN (Same as Combination server FQDN).
For example, POP 1000 “<hostname>”
- Execute the following command. It must return 'Status: 200 Success'.
\cgi-bin\cfwrite.cgi < cflist.txt
- From the <VOYENCE_HOME>, execute the following command:
- To update the Device server FQDN in cm_device_server table in the database, do the following:
- Login to NCM UI, and then navigate to Tools > System Administration > Global > Access > Device Servers.
- Select the Device server, and then click Edit.
- In the Edit Device Server window, click OK.
Run the following command from [Product directory]\db\controldb\bin:
psql.exe -h -d voyencedb -U pgdba -p 5435 -c "update cm_device_server set device_server_name='Device_Server_name';"
- Change the ownership of <VOYENCE_HOME>/data directory to ncm:voyence using the command:
chown -R ncm:voyence <VOYENCE_HOME>/data
- Change the ownership of <VOYENCE_HOME>/conf/key and <VOYENCE_HOME>/conf/iv files to ncm:voyence using the command:
chown ncm:voyence <VOYENCE_HOME>/conf/key chown ncm:voyence <VOYENCE_HOME>/conf/iv
- Restart the vcmaster service.
- If you have Smarts Adapter configured in your previous NCM setup, follow these steps:
On Linux
- Stop the NCM Smarts Adapter service.
service ncmsmartsadapter stop
- Change the directory to $VOYENCE_HOME/NCMSmartsAdapter/.
- Open and edit the prodDb.script file, so that VOYENCE_CONFIGURATION table and SMARTS_CONFIGURATION table is populated with actual AS host name, as follows:
- Search for
INSERT INTO VOYENCE_CONFIGURATION VALUES (1,4,TRUE,'auth.conf','2','10000','linbgh125.lss.vmware.com','jUpFF0M5HQuOdJUqIYKo0w==','sysadmin')
- Replace the old Application server host name with new Application server host name.
For example, replace 'linbgh125.lss.vmware.com' with '<new Application server host name>'.
- Search for
INSERT INTO SMARTS_CONFIGURATION VALUES (1,5,'aced0005757200135b4c6a6176612e6c616e672e537472696e673badd256e7e91d7b4702000078700000000274000e494e4348415247452d414d2d504d74000353414d','',426,NULL,'z/RS9si+EWVsdA8kxzEovg==','SAM','linbgh131.lss.vmware.com','','z/RS9si+EWVsdA8kxzEovg==','46499','admin',TRUE,'admin','linbgh125.lss.vmware.com')
- Replace the old Application server host name with new Application server host name.
For example, replace 'linbgh125.lss.vmware.com' with '<new Application server host name>'.
- Open and edit the prodDb.script file, so that TOPOLOGY_SYNC table is populated with actual DS host name, as follows:
- Search for
INSERT INTO TOPOLOGY_SYNC VALUES (1,43,120,300,TRUE,TRUE,200,'INCHARGE-AM-PM','DisplayName','Active Sync On',NULL,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,'linbgh127.lss.vmware.com','1000','Derived','IP Devices','Run Upon Approval')
- Replace the old device server host name with the new device server host name.
For example, replace 'linbgh127.lss.vmware.com' with '<new Device server host name>'.
- Stop the NCM Smarts Adapter service.