This section illustrates, how to uninstall NCM UI (Windows and Linux).

NCM UI Linux Uninstallation

  1. Goto <Installed Directory>/Uninstall_VMWare_Smart_Assurance_Network_Configuration_Manager_10.1.6.0_UI.
  2. Invoke ./Uninstall_VMWare_Smart_Assurance_Network_Configuration_Manager_10.1.6.0_UI to uninstall NCM UI.

NCM UI Windows Uninstallation

  1. Goto installed folder (for example: C:\Program Files\ncm-ui\Uninstall_VMWare_Smart_Assurance_Network_Configuration_Manager_10.1.6.0_UI)
  2. Double-click on Uninstall_VMWare_Smart_Assurance_Network_Configuration_Manager_10.1.6.0_UI.exe, to uninstall NCM UI.
  • In login window, user must give correct IP/host name of NCM while launching. UI Client must be relaunched in case user provides invalid IP/host of NCM.
  • After login to the NCM UI, in help window, NCM build number and OS version are not available.