Note: An RSA Token Service can be configured at the Global Level only .

To access the Global level set up,

  1. In the menu bar, select Tools -> System Administration. The System Administration window opens.

  2. In the navigation pane, expand the Global, then the Access folders.

  3. Click NCM RSA Token Server. The Global RSA Token Server window opens in the right pane.

To update an NCM RSA Token Service,

  1. Complete the setup of the RSA Token Service options, as needed.  

    The following fields are available.  Note that the required fields are identified by an asterisk (*).  

  2. When finished, click Update.



Server Name

The name of the server being used for the RSA Token Server.


The port number used to access the RSA Token Server.



User ID

The username used to access the RSA Token Server

New password

The password used to access the RSA Token Server

The configured NCM RSA Token Service information is listed in the NCM RSA Token Service window.