The Server Manager discover various VIO components.
The discovered VIO components are:
- ClusterManager
- ControllerService
- ControllerServiceCluster
- ComputeService
KVM logical volume discovery via OpenStack
The Server Manager:
- Discovers all logical volumes associated with virtual machines.
- Displays the relationship of logical volume with tenant, virtual machines, and ScsiLun.
- Generates notifications and provide impact analysis when a KVM logical volume is down.
Virtual interface discovery via OpenStack
The Server Manager:
- Discovers all virtual interfaces.
- Displays the relationship of virtual interface with network adapter, virtual network, and vRouter.
- Generates notifications and provide impact analysis when a virtual interface is down.
vRouter discovery via OpenStack
The Server Manager:
- Discovers all vRouters.
- Displays the relationship of vRouter with virtual network, tenant, and network adapter.
- Generates notifications and provide impact analysis when vRouter is down.
Open vSwitch discovery via OpenStack
The Server Manager:
- Discovers all Open vSwitches.
- Displays the relationship of Open vSwitch with virtual network, interface,OVSApplicationServiceGroup, and host.
OpenStack service discovery
The Server Manager:
- Discovers all OpenStack components (services running on hosts).