OrganizationVDC has the following relationships:
  • ComposedOf with VirtualAppliance
  • OwnedBy with Tenant
  • ResourcesProvidedBy with ProviderVDC
  • AccessesNetwork with LogicalSwitch
Table 1. Attributes for the OrganizationVDC objects
Attribute Description Allowed values
AllocationModel Defines how resources are allocated from the Provider VDC. String
FreeMemory The free memory units in MB as reported by vCloud Director Rest API. Int
FreeMemoryPct The percentage of free memory of the total memory. Double
FreeMemoryThreshold The threshold for minimum amount of free memory expressed as a percentage of total amount of memory. Unsigned-int
networkQuota Network Quota allocated to this Organization VDC String
nicQuota Nic Quota allocated to this Organization VDC. String
orgVDCId Unique Identifier for the Organization VDC. String
ProcessorUtilizationThreshold The upper threshold for processor utilization expressed as a percentage of the total capacity of the processor. Unsigned-int
TotalCPU The total Allocated CPU/Processor in MHZ as reported by vCloud Director Rest API. Int
TotalMemory The total Allocated memory in MB as reported by vCloud Director Rest API. Int
UsedCPU The utilized CPU/Processor in MHZ as reported by vCloud Director Rest API Int
UsedCpuPct The percentage of used CPU/Processor of the total allocated CPU/Processor Double
vmQuota VM Quota allocated to this Organization VDC. String