A template is applied to a host only if all process definitions in the template match the processes running on the host at the time of discovery.

The Server Manager writes messages to the log file that indicate which templates are being applied to a host and the result of the match. The Server Manager log file is located in the opt/InCharge/ESM/smarts/local/logs directory.

Example message of a full match:

 APP_PARSE-*-PROC_MATCH-Matched 3 out of 3 process definitions for Application Template: McAfee on System:

Example message of No match:

 APP_PARSE-*-PROC_MATCH-Matched 0 out of 3 process definitions for Application Template: McAfee on System:

Example message of a partial match:

 APP_PARSE-*-PROC_MATCH-Matched 2 out of 3 process definitions for Application Template: McAfee on System: