By default, the Server Manager discovery process is automatically started at the end of the IP Manager discovery process.

To manually start a rediscovery of Server Manager topology, you select Topology > Discover All from the Domain Manager Administration Console that is attached to the ESM server (not the IP Manager).

Before you use the Discover All menu option, you need to configure two Server Manager attributes to reduce the duration of the Server Manager discovery process.

  • Setting the performFullDiscovery attribute controls whether the Server Manager discovers only the new devices that it imported from the IP Manager or whether the Server Manager discovers new and existing devices.

  • Setting the performFullDiscoveryThreshold attribute specifies the time period in which the last Server Manager discovery occurred.

    Discovering only new devices is a subset of topology and the result is a shorter Server Manager discovery cycle. When the performFullDiscovery attribute is set to False and the performFullDiscoveryThreshold attribute is set to 300 minutes, the Server Manager discovers only the new devices if the last Server Manager discovery occurred less than 5 hours ago.