Server Manager for vCD classes and associated attributes table lists key information in the tab pages that appear in a Containment view for an element.

Table 1. Server Manager for vCD classes and associated attributes
Class Tab Attributes
VirtualAppliance Belongs to OrganizationVDC
  • DisplayName
  • Name
  • TotalMemory
  • FreeMemory
  • FreeMemoryPct
  • TotalCPU
  • UsedCPU
  • UsedCPUPct
vApp Contains VirtualMachines
  • DisplayName
  • DisplayClassName
  • Name
  • VmGuestOS
  • IsHostUnresposive
  • IsUnreachable
Tenant LogicalSwitches
  • DisplayName
  • UUID
Tenant's OrganizationVDC
  • DisplayName
  • Name
  • TotalMemory
  • FreeMemory
  • FreeMemoryPct
  • TotalCPU
  • UsedCPU
  • USedCpuPct
  • DisplayName
  • UUID
  • LinkStatus
  • ReceivedPacketsCount
  • TransmittedPacketsCount
  • DisplayName
  • MACAddress
  • UUID
  • IsUnreachable
Tenant Supervised By
  • DisplayName
  • DisplayClassName
  • Name
Tenant's VM Instances
  • DisplayName
  • IsUnreachable
  • Name
OrganizationVDC OwnedBy Tenant/Organization
  • DisplayName
  • DisplayClassName
  • Name
OrganizationVDC's vApps
  • DisplayName
  • DisplayClassName
  • Status
  • Name
ResourcesProvidedBy ProviderVDC
  • DisplayName
  • DisplayClassName
  • Name
CloudContoller Tenant
  • DisplayName
  • Name
  • VirtualMachinesTotal
  • IsImpacted
  • HypervisorOverloadThreshold
CloudController HostedBy
  • DisplayName
  • IsManaged
  • Type
  • Vendor