This chapter describes the XML needed to create and modify repository objects such as notification lists, users, user profiles, tools, escalation policies, console operations, and map icons. The XML files are imported into the repository using the sm_config utility. Chapter 11, “Importing and Exporting Configurations,” provides additional information. You must have a strong understanding of XML if you intend to create and manage repository objects using XML.

Sample XML documents are provided to use as a template and can be edited to suit your needs. The following sample files are located in the BASEDIR/smarts/conf/ics directory:

  • Tools: actionconfig-sample.xml

  • Notification Lists: nlconfig-sample.xml

  • Escalation Policy: policyconfig-sample.xml

  • User Profile: profileconfig-sample.xml

  • User: userconfig-sample.xml

  • Multiple types of repository objects: ics-config-sample.xml

  • Map Icons: mapgif-sample.xml


    The instance_maptype-sample.xml file is reserved for future use.

    A useful way of viewing valid, complex XML is to export the configurations you make in the Global Manager Administration Console. “Exporting configurations” on page 198 describes how to export the configuration of a Global Manager.