Attribute declarations, as defined in the ATTList tag of the DTD, provide a detailed definition for an element. Many elements use name declarations to identify the element as well as enable declarations that instruct the Global Manager to create and enable the object in repository.

An attribute is a source of additional information about an element, used to define the element:

  • The value of an attribute must match one of the values listed. Values must appear in parentheses and be separated by OR (|) symbols.

  • Attribute may be required (#REQUIRED), optional (#IMPLIED), or have a default value in quotes.

  • All attribute values must be quoted.

    The following is an example of an attribute declaration in the DTD for the notification (nlconfig) element:

    <!ATTLIST nlconfig 
     enable (TRUE | FALSE | true | false | True | False) "true"
     timestamp CDATA "0">

    This indicates that the notification list element has three attributes:

  • Name — A character string that is required.

  • Enable — Determines whether the repository object is enabled when it is imported. This attribute can take one of the values in parentheses. The default value is true.

  • Timestamp — Character string that identifies the date and time the object was last modified. The 0 indicates that, by default, there is no timestamp.