Once an escalation path is enabled, you can monitor any notifications that escalate through the path. You can select an escalation level within a path and view the notifications which are currently escalated to the level. You can then select any of the notifications to see the notification properties.

To view notifications being escalated:

  1. Select the policy name in the administration tree. The policy appears in the Escalation Policy Configuration panel.

  2. Select the appropriate path by clicking a level in the path. The level changes color.

  3. From the Escalation menu, select Level > Show Notifications. The Escalated Notifications dialog box displays any escalated notifications currently at the level.

  4. Double-click an escalated notification to display its notification properties.


    Notification data displayed is static. Changes are not automatically updated in the view. Click Refresh to update the view.

  5. Click Close to close the Escalated Notifications dialog box.