This topic lists the ports and protocols that are used by components.

Table 1. Port usage
Product Releases Port Protocol Source Destination Service Description Purpose Classification
VMware Smart Assurance 10.1.7 426 TCP Smarts Broker VSA Domain managers Used to listen to client requests It is the default port that communicates with the VSA Broker. Sensitive
VMware Smart Assurance 10.1.7 161 UDP VSA Application Device SNMP Communication SNMP communication port between NCM and Device Sensitive
VMware Smart Assurance 10.1.7 162 UDP Device VSA Application Used for receiving SNMP Traps. For SNMP Traps. Sensitive
VMware Smart Assurance 10.1.7 22 TCP VSA Application Device SSH communication For SSH communication. Sensitive
VMware Smart Assurance 10.1.7 23 TCP VSA Application Device Telnet communication For Telnet communication Sensitive
VMware Smart Assurance 10.1.7 8080 TCP VSA Application (Tomcat) VSA client Application Tomcat service Used for accessing VSA application by the clients. Sensitive
VMware Smart Assurance 10.1.7 58080 TCP VSA Application (Tomcat) EMC M&R M&R service. Used for communication between M&R and VSA application. Sensitive
VMware Smart Assurance 10.1.7 9200 TCP VSA Application (Elastic Search) EDAA ingestion Elastic search communication Used for interacting with EDAA ingestion Sensitive
VMware Smart Assurance 10.1.7 15672 TCP VSA Application (RabbitMQ) SAM notification publisher RabbitMQ service Used for SAM notification publisher Sensitive
VMware Smart Assurance 10.1.7 8443 TCP VSA Application (Tomcat) EDA API Secured Tomcat service Used for accessing VSA application by the clients (SSL enabled). Sensitive and SSL enabled
VMware Smart Assurance 10.1.7 58443 TCP EMC M&R (Watch4net) Tomcat server EMC M&R M&R service. Used for communication between M&R and VSA application (SSL enabled). Sensitive and SSL enabled
VMware Smart Assurance 10.1.7 9091,9092,9093 TCP Kafka broker Domain managers Kafka service VSA application communication with Kafka process Sensitive
VMware Smart Assurance 10.1.7 8443 TCP VSA application DCF DCF service Communication between DCF and VSA application Sensitive
VMware Smart Assurance 10.1.7 514 UDP Device VSA Application VSA syslog adapter service For Syslog messages -