
  1. Click Administration.
  2. Select Modules > Maintenance Editor.
  3. Type a title for the maintenance period
  4. Select a start date and end date.
  5. Optionally, enter a comment.
    The comment will appear on the maintenance period when the maintenance period appears in a report. The following graphic illustrates a report with an associated maintenance period, which is indicated by yellow. Text from the Comment field is indicated by the small red box.
    Figure 1. Text from comment field
    report screen
  6. To keep the maintenance period out of report totals, leave the Use in report computation field blank
  7. Select the devices to which the maintenance period applies.
    Option Description
    Add with Filter Select from a list of devices that match the values specified in the Edit Mode settings Outages type and Outages property.
    Add by Name Enter the name of a device.
    The devices are displayed in the Objects list.
  8. Click Save.