After an upgrade, you must create the ES-TF-VOIP resource.


  1. Issue the or manage-resources.cmd command from the installation bin folder to update the ES-TF-VOIP resource.
    For example, to create a database resource:
    In Linux:
     ./bin/ create dba/ES-TF-VOIP '{ "type":
    "elasticsearch", "datasource": { "hosts": ["http://<Elastic
    Search Server IP>:9200"],"prefix": "/cdr*"},"settings":
    {"mapping": "ES-CISCO-CDR.xml"},"disabled": false }'

    In Windows:

    APG PATH\bin\manage-resources.cmd create dba/ES-TF-VOIP
    '{ "type": "elasticsearch", "datasource": { "hosts": ["http://
    <Elastic Search Server IP>:9200"],"prefix": "/
    cdr*"},"settings": {"mapping": "ES-CISCOCDR.
    xml"},"disabled": false }
  2. Restart the Tomcat service.