Install this SolutionPack on all core software hosts in your environment.
- Core modules must be up-to-date in all servers because not all module dependencies are validated during the SolutionPack installation or update process.
- Click Administration .
- Click Centralized Management.
- Click SolutionPack Center.
- Select the SolutionPack in the Browse and Install SolutionPacks window.
- Click Install.
- Type the instance name.
- Assign a server for each component.
In a typical four server deployment, the recommended servers are selected automatically.
- Click Next.
The window displays pre-configured alert details.
- Click Next.
The window displays data collection details.
- From the Data collection drop-down menu, select existing settings that have been specified for other components, or select Add a new data collection.
If you select
Add a new data collection, type information about the data collection. In
Hostname or IP address to send data to, use
localhost on port 2020, which is the Collector host where the Load Balancer Connector is installed.
- From the Alerting on data collection drop-down menu, select existing settings that have been specified for other components, or select Add a new alerting data collection.
If you select
Add a new alerting on data collection, type information about the alerting configuration. In
Alerting Backend hostname or IP address, specify the Primary Backend host.
- Select Configure advanced settings to configure polling settings.
- Click Next.
The window displays reports settings.
- Click Install.
- Click Ok once installation is complete.
Performance data will displayed in about an hour.
The following message might appear in the collection log during operation: WARNING -- [2014-04-25 05:26:38 EDT] -- f::a(): JVM IO ERROR 'No such process'. ID: '17032', NAME: 'lib/module-manager.jar exit'. You can ignore this message.