Configure the Presentation Service Assurance Manager (SAM-PRES) server to communicate with the SolutionPack for Smarts installed on the M&R platform.

During SAM installation you have a choice between two SAM services:
  • Smarts Service Assurance Manager Server (Notification Cache Publishing)
    • Start the Presentation SAM server with the Smarts Service Assurance Manager Server (Notification Cache Publishing) service if you plan to integrate M&R with this installation. When the SAM server is started with this service, SAM communicates with both M&R and Smarts analysis domains.
  • Smarts Service Assurance Manager Server
    • Start Aggregation-level SAM servers with the Smarts Service Assurance Manager Server service in environments with hierarchical SAM configurations.

One Presentation SAM server may be configured to work with one SolutionPack for Smarts. By default, the SolutionPack for Smarts connects to the Smarts Broker. When installing or updating the SAM software, you must enable Notification Cache Publishing so that notifications will flow into M&R. Notification Cache Publishing enables SAM to publish its notifications to the Notification Cache. The Notification Cache is a separate collection of components, including RabbitMQ, ElasticSearch, and two webapps running under Tomcat (Ingestion and the Alert EDAA). Services for all of these components must be installed and running before notifications display in the M&R User Interface.

Note: Both Smarts Web Console and the SAM Tomcat Server use the same default port (8080). If installing both on the same machine, change the port for one of them. Change the Smarts EDAA Tomcat port when it conflicts with the Web Console Tomcat port
  1. Ensure the Presentation SAM server has been upgraded to the latest version of the Service Assurance Suite. Select these options:
    • Under Core Services, select Smarts Broker if you plan to run the Broker from the Presentation SAM server. If you run the Broker from another server, make note of the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the server.
    • Under Service Assurance Manager Services, select Smarts Service Assurance Manager Server (notification cache publishing)
    • Under EMC Data Access API, select all of the entries:
      • Smarts Data Web Applications SMARTS EDAA (Tomcat)
      • Smarts Data Web Applications NOTIF CACHE (Tomcat)
      • Smarts Notification Exchange (Rabbit MQ)
      • Smarts Notification Cache (ElasticSearch)
    • Enter the port for the Broker service.
  2. Configure your SAM license using smarts.lic or the license server.
  3. Do one of the following:
    1. For configuring port and protocol settings when enabling SSL encryption in SAM and M&R, see, SSL setup for SAM and M&R.


    2. For configuring Smarts SP in HTTP mode, see Configuring Smarts SolutionPack in HTTP mode.
  4. Start the services. (Start the Broker service before starting the Tomcat service in your Presentation SAM installation.)
  5. Issue the sm_service show command to ensure these services associated with the Presentation SAM installation are running:
    Service name Description of feature
    ic-broker Broker connected to Presentation SAM server
    ic-sam-server-pres SAM server with Notification Cache
    smarts-tomcat Smarts EDAA (controlled by Tomcat server)
    smarts-rabbitmq Rabbit MQ
    smarts-elasticsearch Elastic Search
  6. When connecting to domain managers running pre-9.4 versions of VMware Smart Assurance software, add two parameters that control security settings to the file in the Presentation SAM server:
Note: When upgrading from older versions of SAM to version 9.3 or higher, you must manually register and start the SAM Notification Cache service (INCHARGE-SA-PRES). Command syntax for registering the SAM Notification Cache service