For establishing a secure connection from Application server to remote Device server, you have to get the certificates from the Application server.

Follow these steps to get the certificates from Application server:

  1. On a Linux server, run the command
    # source /etc/voyence.conf
  2. Go to [Product directory]/conf directory.
  3. Copy the bundle.p12 certificate file to remote Device server. For example:
    scp bundle.p12 Host3_Device_Server:/root/
    Note: If new Device Server is being installed in FIPs enabled mode and is being added to the upgraded 10.1.8 CS or AS setup. Then re-generate the bundle.p12 in AS or CS by following steps mentioned under Installing new Device Servers in FIPS Enabled mode in Upgrade tasks for Linux section.

    Next step, go to Export and import certificates for EDAA and Smarts Adapter.