The following is a brief description of some of the integration module management operations. Note that preceding the event, you may see java language references to return types. These include the word void or java.lang.String. Ignore these types. They are a by-product of the automation framework.




Used to remove an event from the list of events the adapters is already listening for


Used to start the integration adapters. If the adapters is already running, this operation silently returns.


Used to add an event to the list of events the adapters should listen to


Used to read the integration adapters’ configuration file from the disk


Used to restart the integration adapters. This operation is equivalent to completing a stop() operation, and then a start() operation.


Used to stop the integration adapters. If the adapters is not running, this operation silently returns.


Used to display the core Network Configuration Manager events that the adapters is listening for, and lists all the supported events.

Any changes made through the JMiniX Console take effect only after a restart of the Integration adapters.